trip中文翻译 trip是什么意思

What’s the difference between TRIP and TRAVEL? They are both verbs and nouns, but we usually don’t use them interchangeably.
Trip和Travel的差别是啥?她们都能够另外作专有名词和形容词,可是却不可以更换 。
In today’s lesson, you’re going to learn the difference between TRIP and TRAVEL, and some very useful travel idioms!
General Rule
Ok, as a general rule, in 95% of the cases, trip is a noun and travel is a verb.
一般标准即95%的状况下,trip是专有名词而travel是形容词 。
So, “I traveled to Germany last weekend.” “I took a trip.”
比如:上星期我要去德国旅游了;我去旅游了 。
You can also say “to make a trip,” but this is more, it’s a shorter trip that has a specific purpose.
你能说“to make a trip”,可是这一般是近途交通出行并且有一定目地 。
“I made a trip to the grocery store to buy some milk.”
例如,“我想去杂货铺买牛乳 。”
So, in most cases, trip is a noun and travel is a verb.
因此,大多数状况下,trip是专有名词而travel是形容词 。
When Is It Different?
Sometimes, you can actually use travel as a noun.
有时,travel还可以作专有名词 。
So, for example, “Travel expands your perspective on life.” That’s a noun.
例如,“旅游能提高日常生活经验”,这时候travel就作专有名词 。
Or, if you use with the possessive, “My travels really expanded my perspective.”
或是和所有格修饰词并用,“我的旅游提升了我的经验 。”
This is more like my collective experience of traveling.
作专有名词时,travel表述的是全部旅游亲身经历这一总体 。
And trip, when used as a verb, is to trip over something, when you’re walking and something blocks your path, and you fall. That’s to trip.
trip一样能够作为形容词,使用方法是“trip over something”,表明行走时有物品挡道,造成你摔倒了 。
It’s also used when you trip on drugs, like on LSD, or if you have a crazy idea.
trip还能够和药品脸擦,如“trip on LSD”表明服食迷幻药后出现幻觉,还可以表明你拥有一个瘋狂的念头 。
So trip can be used as a synonym for travel, but this is quite rare, and it’s usually used for like a short trip.
因此 trip能够做为travel的近义词,可是十分罕见,并且一般只用于描述近途交通出行 。
Hit the Road
So, to hit the road means to leave. So, “I’m going to hit the road now,” I’m going to go on the highway and then leave.
“hit the road”表明离去 。因此 我想上道了,便是我想离开 。
One For the Road
For example, maybe you are eating cookies at somebody’s house, and you want to grab one to take on the road, so you say like “Ok, I’ll take one for the road.”
例如你一直在他人家吃饼干,临走时你要再吃一个,你也就可以说“吃了这一我也上道 。”
A wonderlust is like an inexplicable desire to travel, to hit the road, to go on your journey and explore.
度假旅游欲就是指想去旅游,环游探寻的冲动 。
Off the Beaten Path
Off the beaten path means to explore places that aren’t really on an established pattern that people normally go to.
Off the Beaten Path表明以与众不同的方法去探寻某点 。
Itchy Feet
Itchy feet is when your feet itch, not literally, but when you really, really want to leave and go travel.

