trip中文翻译 trip是什么意思( 二 )

“Itchy Feet”字面意思是脚痒,可是真实的含意就是你想来出去走走,度假旅游 。
So, to finish, let’s go through a couple of expressions that you say to people when they’re leaving on a trip.
接下去,大家看来一看对将要旅游的人能够应用的表述 。
Happy Trails
Happy trails. This is just, I hope your trails, or your path, is happy, is successful.
“Happy Trails”便是表明希望你旅
途开心 。
The next one, which is a little bit more grandiose, is godspeed. Godspeed is more like when you’re about to set off, or to leave on an adventure, you say to that person “Godspeed!”
Safe Travels
Another one – Safe travels. Safe travels. It’s like “I hope you have a safe trip, have a good trip.”
“Safe Travels”就等同于,一路顺风,旅程安全性 。
Life is a Journey, Not a Destination
生活就是这样一场旅游,沒有到达站 。
The final one is a really great expression that’s sort of a cliche, but I use this one all the time. It’s part of an Aerosmith song, but… “Life is a journey, not a destination.” It means that we should enjoy the moment and not think too far ahead at the destination.
这一表述是常见俗话,有点儿老掉牙,但是我还是经常应用 。源于Aerosmith乐团一首歌的歌曲歌词,意思是大家应当享受当下而不是惦记着到达站 。
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