
柯林斯说:晚上好,亲爱的海伦,你吃过晚饭了吗?"Good evening, dear Helen," said Collins. "Have you had your supper?海伦答:看到你很开心,亲爱的柯林斯,你忙完了,我吃过了,你今天还好吗?Helen: I'm glad to see you, dear Collins. You're finished. I've eaten. How are you today?柯林斯说:我今天工作很累,我还没有吃晚饭,我打算出去吃点东西 。Collins said, "I've had a long day at work. I haven't had dinner yet. I'm going out to get something to eat.".海伦答:那你出去吃点东西,好好照顾自己,然后好好休息一下,第二天精神也很好,好好吃饭,好好睡觉,不论在任何时候,照顾好自己的身体是最重要的事 。Helen: Then you go out to eat something, take good care of yourself, and then have a good rest. The next day, you are in good spirits. You eat well, sleep well, and take good care of your body is the most important thing at any time.


 柯林斯说:是的,你知道吗?这个星期真的很忙,我真的等不及想要过周末了, 周末我通常会去打高尔夫,和同事出去玩放松一下 。Collins said, Yes, you know what? This week is really busy. I really can't wait for the weekend. I usually play golf and go out with my colleagues to relax.海伦答:我理解你此刻的感受,曾经的我也有过,小时候的自己不喜欢地里干活,我觉得太阳很晒,地里蚊虫叮咬,并且很累,衣服脏兮兮的,有时候累的不想吃不想动,躺下就可以睡着,尤其是每年的农忙期,早上四点起床下地干活,晚上十点才回来,经常体力透支,小时候我特别不喜欢这样的生活,我觉得每年农忙期对我来说都很难,好想跑家里看会电视,做点自己喜欢的事来缓解或者逃避一下 。Helen replied: I understand your feelings at this moment. I used to have it. When I was a child, I didn’t like working in the ground. I felt that the sun was very dry and the ground was bitten by mosquitoes and was very tired. The clothes were dirty and sometimes tired. I don’t want to eat or move, and I can fall asleep when I lie down, especially during the busy farming period every year. I get up at 4 in the morning and work in the field. I only come back at 10 in the evening. I often suffer from physical exhaustion. When I was young, I didn’t like this kind of life. The busy farming period is difficult for me, I really want to run home to watch TV and do something I like to ease or escape.

 但是后面我观察那些种地的长辈们,他们很勤劳的收割,对他们来说,这意味着收获,他们身体是忙碌的,但是内心是喜悦的,所以他们留着汗水的脸上总是带着满足的笑容和着急把庄稼收割完,因为这个季节雷阵雨很多,后面我发现是我小时候和大人心态不同,我不喜欢做这些,所以做起来更辛苦,后面我找到自己热爱和喜欢的事做,这会让我感觉舒服很多,其实做一件事的心态才是最重要的 。But later, I observe those elders who are farming. Theyare very hardworking in harvesting. For them, this means harvesting. Their bodies are busy, but their hearts are joyful, so their sweaty faces always wear With a contented smile and anxiousness to finish harvesting the crops, because there are a lot of thunderstorms this season, I later discovered that when I was a child, I had a different mentality from adults. I didn’t like to do this, so it was harder to do it. Later I found what I loved and liked to do , This makes me feel a lot more comfortable. In fact, the mentality to do one thing is the most important thing.

 直到我结婚,我还是在山里和公婆一家人生活,公婆一家人一辈子种地的,但是婆婆对自己种的庄稼都是很自豪和满足,那种快乐就如同我写出来自己想写的文字那样充满幸福感,所以我们看起来很辛苦的体力劳动婆婆他们做起来不觉得累 。Until I got married, I still lived in the mountains with my parents-in-law's family. The parents-in-law's family has been farming the land for a lifetime, but the mother-in-law is very proud and satisfied with the crops she grows. The happiness is like writing the words I want to write. Full of happiness, so our mothers-in-laws who seem to be physically laborious do not feel tired.

