uc下一页:换一种心态,人生果然不同( 二 )


 后面我去地里帮婆婆干活,我和婆婆一边聊天一边地里忙碌着,要不我给婆婆讲故事,要么听婆婆和我讲述种地这些年的经验,我其实在和婆婆干活期间学到很多我不懂的东西,干活也很锻炼身体,和婆婆聊天也不觉得工作很无聊,反而一家人都不觉得无聊和辛苦,就觉得很愉悦,庄稼也很快的收割完了 。Later I went to the field to help my mother-in-law work. My mother-in-law and I chatted while busy in the field. Either I told stories to my mother-in-law or listened to her and my experience of farming over the years. In fact, I learned a lot of things that I didn't understand during my work with her mother-in-law. Work is also very physical exercise. Chatting with her mother-in-law did not feel bored. Instead, the whole family did not feel bored and hard. I felt very happy, and the crops were harvested quickly.

 本来我也是不喜欢干活的,但是当我改变自己对下地干活态度以后,我觉得公婆年龄大了,我去帮忙地里干活,可以陪伴老人把庄稼收割完,还可以把劳动当做一种锻炼,这让我觉得做起来容易很多,对于我以前特别不喜欢做的事,换一种心态去做,做事的感受就完全不同 。Originally, I didn’t like to work, but when I changed my attitude towards working in the field, I felt that my in-laws were getting older and I went to help the field to work. I could accompany the elderly to harvest the crops, and I could use labor as a part of the work. This kind of exercise makes me feel a lot easier to do. For things that I didn't particularly like doing before, if I change my mindset to do things, I feel completely different when doing things.

 你把工作当做生活中修行,我生活工作里都是身忙而心闲,内心虚空的状态做事,专注于自己所在工作上,内心容易体会到心流愉快状态,也会让我很快乐积极的完成一件事,换一种心态去工作,工作的状态很快就得到改变,生活中很多事,换一个角度,换个看法,你会发现,人生果然是不同的境界!You regard work as spiritual practice in life. In my life and work, I am busy and idle. I work in a state of emptiness and concentrate on my work. It is easy for me to feel the happy state of flow in my heart, which will make me very happy and positive to complete one thing. Change my attitude to work, and the state of work will soon be changed. Many things in life, change an angle, change my view. You will find that life is really a different realm!

 调整好工作的心态,工作状态会发生奇妙的变化,你觉得烦躁的工作会变成一种享受的,就好比你打高尔夫一样,用开放轻松的状态去工作,这样你会觉得工作也可以收获很多的乐趣,相信我,我平时就是这么面对工作生活的,哪怕这个工作起初我做起来不那么得心应手,但是我认真去对待,也会觉得不那么很难搞定的 。Adjust the state of mind of the work, Work state will happen wonderful changes, You feel irritable work will become a kind of enjoyment, Just like you play golf, With open and relaxed state to work, So you will feel that work can also harvest a lot of fun. Believe me, I usually is so face work life, Even if the work at first I do not so handy, But if I take it seriously, it won't be so difficult to handle.

 柯林斯说:是的,亲爱的,我想你说的是对的,我会试着去调整工作的心态和节奏,把工作认真做好 。Collins said: "Yes, dear, I think you are right, I will try to adjust the mentality and rhythm of the work, the work seriously to do a good job.".海伦答:生活中很多时候,我们会遇到自己不是很喜欢的事情,往往觉得会很累,当你改变工作心态把不喜欢的工作当成一种对自己很好的锻炼 。当你换另一种心态去做时,你已经比过去的自己更好了 。Helen A: Many times in life, we will encounter things that we don't like very much, and often feel very tired. When you change your work mentality, take the work you don't like as a good exercise for yourself. When you change your mindset to do it, you are already better than your past self.

