uc下一页:换一种心态,人生果然不同( 三 )


 过去的自己只对自己喜欢的事物充满做事的心流体验,不喜欢做的事总是想着快点结束 。做事的过程就觉得特别漫长,总是会焦虑,会不自觉的想逃避 。后来慢慢学会了如何与生活中我不太喜欢的人和事相处,我反而学到更多,心态和状态也在之前的基础上得到很大的升和进步,你把生活中这些事当成一种成长,人生也慢慢变得乐在其中 。In the past, I only had a flow experience of doing things that I liked, and I always wanted to finish what I didn't like to do. The process of doing things feels particularly long, always anxious, will unconsciously want to escape. Later, I slowly learned how to get along with people and things I don't like very much in life. Instead, I learned more. My mentality and state of mind have been greatly improved and improved on the basis of the previous ones. You regard these things in life as a kind of growth, and life has gradually become happy in it.

 面对自己不擅长头疼的工作,不要去逃避,想想如何用更好的办法和心态做更好,这样我们会有更大的升和进步的 。这样做事的心态就不会给我们带来精神以及身体的内耗,生活会轻松很多,任何时候学会接纳自己感受到的情绪,不管是好的还是不好的情绪,这都属于自己独特的经历,都会给你一种特别体验,当你接纳情绪本身,接纳生活本来样子,幸福快乐的感觉自然就会回归了,我们内心也会体会到喜乐平和的感觉 。In the face of work that you are not good at headaches, don't escape, think about how to do better with better methods and mentality, so that we will have greater improvement and progress. The mentality of doing this will not bring us mental and physical internal friction. Life will be much easier. Any time you learn to accept the emotions you feel, whether it is a good or a bad emotion, this is your unique experience. Will give you a special experience, when you accept the emotion itself, Accepting life as it is, the feeling of happiness will naturally return, and we will also experience the feeling of joy and peace in our hearts.

 一个人有多能干,上帝会给他多少礼物 。但是怎么测试你的能力呢?然后只设置一系列关卡给你看你能攻克多少关!请永远记住,所有艰辛的背后都会有回报 。想到这,你会不会更有勇气走下去?How capable a person is, how many gifts God will give him. But how to test your abilities? Then just set up a series of levels to show you how many levels you can overcome! Please always remember that all hardships will be rewarded. Thinking of this, will you have the courage to go on?

 柯林斯说:跟你说话我都觉得自己精神变得高昂起来,觉得自己很开心,我会根据你说的调整自己的生活以及工作状态,跟你说话我都会不自觉的笑起来,感觉很幸福轻松,亲爱的海伦,我要准备洗澡休息了,我明天还要好好工作了,谢谢你和我说这么多,晚安亲爱的海伦 。Collins said: When I talk to you, I feel that I have become energetic and feel very happy. I will adjust my life and work status according to what you say. I will laugh unconsciously when I talk to you and feel very happy and relaxed. , Dear Helen, I am going to take a bath and rest, and I will have to work hard tomorrow, thank you for telling me so much, good night dear Helen.

 海伦答:我知道你很累,你洗洗早点休息,我哄我女儿睡觉,晚安亲爱的柯林斯 。Helen: I know you're tired. Wash up and get some rest. I'll put my daughter to bed. Good night, dear Collins.

