教你喝腊八粥时和宝宝说的英文 喝腊八粥用英文怎么说

教你喝腊八粥时和宝宝说的英文 喝腊八粥用英文怎么说

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Laba Congee 腊八粥Little children, little children, don't be greedy, soon after Laba is the new year party.
小孩儿小孩儿你别馋,过了腊八就是年 。
How many days do we eat Laba congee?
Eat it until Day Twenty-three.
哩哩啦啦二十三 。
此歌谣无官方英文版,以上英文是我们团队自己翻译的 。
Mother: Today's Laba Festival – let's have some Laba congee for dinner.
妈妈:今天是腊八节,咱们晚饭喝点腊八粥 。
Child: What is Laba Festival, and what is Laba Congee?
Mother: The Laba Festival is celebrated on the eighth day of the 12th month of the lunar calendar.
妈妈:腊八节是农历腊月八日过的 。
In North China, it is considered the start of celebrations for the Chinese New Year.
在我国北方,它被认为是春节庆祝活动的开始 。
"La" in Chinese means the 12th lunar month, and "ba", as you know, means eight.
“腊”在中文里指农历的第12个月,然后“ba”你知道的,是八的意思 。
As for Laba congee, you'll know what it is when we have it.
至于腊八粥,一会儿喝的时候你就知道了 。
Child: I can't wait.
宝宝:我已经等不及了 。
(Dinner Time 晚饭时)
Mother: It's time to eat.
妈妈:开饭了 。
This is Laba congee.
这个就是腊八粥 。
Child: It smells delicious.
宝宝:闻起来好香啊 。
What do we have in it?
Mother: It contains rice, millet, barley, red beans, peanuts, chestnuts, lotus seeds, longans, and red dates.
妈妈:里面有大米、小米、薏米、红豆、花生、栗子、莲子、桂圆和红枣 。
Child: Wow, so many ingredients.
宝宝:哇,好多原料啊 。
Mother: Yes, Laba congee is also called Eight-treasure congee.
妈妈:是的,腊八粥又叫八宝粥 。
It means that apart from rice, it also contains eight or more kinds of grains, beans, nuts and dried fruits.
意思就是除了大米以外,里面还有八种或者以上的谷物、豆子、坚果和干水果 。
Child: Can we add pistachios?

Mother: Yeah, that will be creative.
妈妈:可以啊,还挺有创意的 。
Some other traditional ingredients include walnuts, pine nuts, corn, mung beans, black beans, and kidney beans.
其他的传统原料还包括核桃、松子、玉米、绿豆、黑豆和芸豆 。
Child: I see.
宝宝:明白了 。
Wow, it's so yummy.
哇,真好吃 。
I love eating the chestnuts in it.
我好喜欢吃里面的栗子 。

Mother: You can try the others as well - I only put in the things you like.
妈妈:其他的你也尝尝,我放的都是你爱吃的 。

Child: Okay.
宝宝:好的 。
Mother: Be careful, eat it slowly.
妈妈:小心点,慢慢吃 。
When you eat the red dates, don't swallow the pit.
吃到红枣的时候,别把核咽下去 。
You need to spit it out.
你要吐出来 。
Child: Okay.
宝宝:好的 。
Mom, I ate something bitter.
妈妈,我吃到一个苦的东西 。
Mother: Don't worry - it's the lotus seed core.
妈妈:没事,那个是莲心 。
It helps clear internal heat.
它是去火的 。
Child: Fine, I'll eat a longan to ease the bitterness.

