带宝宝吃披萨的英文 吃披萨的英语

带宝宝吃披萨的英文 吃披萨的英语


Eating Pizza 吃披萨
Mom: Are you hungry?
We're going to eat pizza for lunch.
【带宝宝吃披萨的英文 吃披萨的英语】咱们中午去吃披萨 。

Child: Yes, I am.
宝宝:是的,我很饿 。
What can I get to eat?
Mom: They have a bunch of special pizzas, salad, chicken wings and even ice cream for dessert.
妈妈:他们有各种各样特别的披萨、沙拉、鸡翅,甜点里还有冰激凌 。

Child: Let's go.
宝宝:咱们走吧 。

? At the pizza restaurant 在披萨餐厅
Mom: What kind of pizza would you like?
Child: I want pepperoni pizza.
宝宝:我要意大利辣香肠披萨 。
Pepperoni作为披萨的“馅”,英文叫topping,而不是filling,因为它不是被完全包裹的 。

Mom: Oh, sure.
妈妈:哦,好的 。
They also have pizzas with different crusts.
他们的披萨还有不同的饼边 。
Child: How can crust be different?
Mom: Pan pizza is thicker and baked in a pan.
妈妈:铁盘披萨厚,在铁盘中烤制 。

Thin-crust pizza is thin and baked on a sheet.
薄底披萨薄,在纸上烤制 。

Stuffed-crust pizza is stuffed with cheese.
芝心披萨填充了芝士 。

Child: OK.
宝宝:好的 。
I want a pepperoni pizza with cheese-stuffed crust.
我要意大利辣香肠芝心披萨 。
Mom: You are a really big fan of cheese.
妈妈:你还真是爱吃芝士 。
Child: Of course, and I'll also add a few extra toppings at the table – cheese and pepper.
宝宝:当然,我还要加点桌子上的配料呢:奶酪和胡椒粉 。
披萨上桌以后撒在上面的配料叫extra topping 。

Mom: I think you'll get to taste them today.
妈妈:我想你今天肯定能吃得上 。
You should probably have a salad too if that's the pizza you want.
你要是点这种披萨,最好再点个沙拉 。
Child: Can I have the one with cherry tomatoes, collard greens and olives?
小西红柿分cherry tomato和grape tomato两种,但是一般人分不出来的时候会说cherry tomato 。

Mom: I know which one you're talking about.
妈妈:我知道你说的是哪个 。
It also comes with a very tasty dressing, raspberry vinaigrette, right?
Dressing是往沙拉上倒的,用来拌制的调料 。

Child: Exactly!
Mom: Since the pizza can be slow,
I'll also order a cream of chicken mushroom soup for you and clam chowder with puff pastry for myself.
我再给你点一个鸡茸蘑菇汤,给我自己点一个酥皮奶油蛤蜊汤 。

We can also order an assorted platter for us to share.
咱们还可以点一个小吃拼盘一起吃 。
Child: What does the assorted platter have?
Mom: It has New Orleans wings, fried shrimps, potato wedges, and fried calamari.
妈妈:有新奥尔良鸡翅、炸虾、薯角和炸鱿鱼 。
表达鱿鱼这种食物时,calamari比squid更常用 。

Child: Fantastic!
Can I have a chocolate ice cream scoop for dessert?

