印度和韩国哪个国家更发达 印度和韩国经济哪个发达

印度和韩国哪个国家更发达 印度和韩国经济哪个发达

一位德国历史学家曾说:“韩国和印度的自大,根本原因就是历史上的弱小,从未强大过的事实,承认会削弱人民的斗志,否认又确实“得国不正”,这让他们在现代民族之林中有一种极为不舒服的感受 。” 在美版知乎Quora上,印度网友提问道:印度和韩国哪个国家更发达?这个问题引起了各国网友的热议,却也受到了韩国网友的群嘲 。

韩国网友Kevin Shin的回答
? infrastructure and technology accumulation: South Korea won with great advantages. India has never heard of India's high technology;
? urban planning: South Korea has obviously also defeated India. South Korea has excellent urban planning and has reached the first-class level in terms of roads, transportation, water supply and safety;
? company business: Samsung, Hyundai, Kia, LG and other Korean companies have a good reputation in India, but in Korea, no Indian company has a mature operation model;
? professional ethics: influenced by Confucian culture, Koreans always work very hard, and most of the Korean population has made contributions to the Korean economy. This situation will not happen in India, which has something to do with national character;
? living standards: South Korea won. I suggest watching movies such as Slumdog Millionaire and parasite. You will understand that there are poor people in India and South Korea, but their numbers are very different and their living standards are also different;
? health index: most Koreans have good health awareness and try to make themselves look more beautiful. Plastic surgery can be found everywhere in South Korea, but they are very rare in India, which also shows the great difference in the economic level of the two peoples;
?健康指数:大多数韩国人都有良好的健康意识,他们努力让自己看起来更漂亮 。整形手术在韩国比比皆是,但它们在印度非常罕见,这也说明两国人民经济水平的巨大差异;
? culture: speaking of culture, Indians have not been completely westernized! It's too backward, but Koreans have carried out Westernization transformation on the basis of retaining traditional culture;
? English: most Koreans don't understand English, but Indians speak English very well, but different languages in different states of India make it very difficult for them to communicate with each other;
? diversity: India is a huge country. Like South Korea, it is also a very diverse country. So you can see different types of climate, people, culture and language in India;

