印度和韩国哪个国家更发达 印度和韩国经济哪个发达( 三 )

This will make South Korea the first middle-income country to become a high-income country. Since the per capita income is less than $2000, you can classify India as a low-income country.
这将使韩国成为第一个转变为高收入国家的中等收入国家,由于人均收入低于2000美元,你可以将印度归类为中低收入国家 。
But it is clear that India does surpass South Korea in space research (the first Asian country to launch an orbiter to Mars) or the birth of great figures such as sandar pikay and Satya NADELLA. The main problem of India is bureaucracy, and population is also a problem, but it can be used in effective ways such as manufacturing.
但很明显,印度在太空研究(第一个将轨道飞行器发射到火星上的亚洲国家)或诞生桑达尔·皮凯、萨蒂亚·纳德拉等伟大人物方面确实超过了韩国 。印度这个国家的主要问题是官僚主义,人口也是一个问题,但可以通过制造业等有效方式利用人口 。
It must be South Korea.
(韩国)肯定是韩国 。
Due to the simplicity and minimalism of Koreans, it is easier to develop as a whole, so the whole country is more advanced. India has the second largest population (about to become the first), its political and economic system is corrupt, and its development speed is far slower than that of South Korea.
由于韩国人的简单和极简主义性格,它更容易作为一个整体发展,因此整个国家更先进 。印度人口第二(即将成为第一),政治和经济体系腐败,其发展速度远不及韩国 。
We can start by comparing some statistics to get a good measure.
我们可以从比较一些统计数据开始,以得到一个好的衡量标准 。
South Korea's literacy rate is controversial and not measured by UNESCO, but some reports do say it should be more than 96%. This is still questioned by many politicians and professionals in India. Many people say that India's literacy test is too low compared with international standards, and some may think that India's illiteracy rate may be higher than 50%.
韩国的识字率是有争议的,联合国教科文组织没有对其进行衡量,但一些报告确实说,识字率应该在96%以上 。而印度仅为72%,这仍然受到许多政客和专业人士的质疑 。许多人说,与国际标准相比,印度的识字率测试太低,一些人可能认为印度的文盲率可能高于50% 。
In 2019, South Korea's GDP was 1.4 trillion and its population exceeded 50 million. India's GDP is only slightly higher, at 2.2 trillion, with a population of nearly 1.4 billion. The per capita GDP of South Korea is nearly 30000 US dollars and that of India is 1709 US dollars.
2019年,韩国的GDP为1.4万亿,人口大约超过5000万 。印度GDP仅略高一点,为2.2万亿,人口接近14亿 。韩国的人均GDP为近3万美元,印度为1709美元 。
South Korea's life expectancy is 82 years, far ahead in the world, while India's life expectancy is 68 years, much lower.
韩国的预期寿命为82岁,在世界上遥遥领先,而印度的预期寿命为68岁,要低得多 。
Military power? At present, South Korea is much more advanced in military affairs. In addition to nuclear weapons, India's weapons are simply made in thousands of countries. For the most obvious example, India does not even have a new generation of tanks, but South Korea already has two types of fourth generation tanks.
军事力量?韩国目前在军事方面要先进得多,印度除了拥有核武器之外,武器简直是万国造 。举个最明显的例子,印度甚至没有新一代坦克,但韩国目前已经有两种类型的第四代坦克 。
If India wants to be as developed as South Korea, it still needs to improve in many areas.
印度要想像韩国一样发达,还需要对很多领域进行改进 。

