
taking是什么意思takingvbl.拿(取得,所得)taking [5teikiN] n. (用复数)营业收入, 取得, 捕获 adj. 吸引人的, 迷人的, 可爱的, 会传染的taking tak.ing AHD:[t3“k1ng]D.J.[6teiki0] K.K.[6tek!0] adj.(形容词) Capturing interest; fetching: 吸引人们的兴趣的;迷人的: a taking smile. 摄人魂魄的甜笑 Contagious; catching. Used of an infectious disease. 传染性的;能传染的 。用于指一种传染病 n.(名词) The act of one that takes. 人拿走的行为 Something taken, as a catch of fish. 捕获物,比如一网鱼 takings Informal Receipts, especially of money. takings 取takingnotes是什么意思?

