和宠物住一个卧室健康吗 和宠物一起睡的害处

很多人都觉得和宠物睡在一起不卫生 , 但是对于爱宠人士而言 , 这根本不是问题 。跟宠物同床而眠对身心健康到底是利大于弊 , 还是弊大于利?来听听科学家怎么说 。
In the quest for better sleep, people often ask if they should share their bed with a pet. Before we get to that, let’s take a moment to ponder the flip side: Is sleeping with you good for your pet?
很多人都有这个疑问:和宠物同床睡觉是否有助于睡眠?在回答这个问题之前 , 我们先来看看问题的另一面:宠物和你睡在一起 , 是否有利于宠物的健康?
“In general, it is a very good thing for animals to sleep with their people.” said Dr. Dana Varble, the chief veterinary officer for the North American Veterinary Community.
北美兽医社区的首席兽医官戴娜·瓦布尔医生说:“总体来说 , 宠物和人一起睡觉对宠物来说是很好的 。”
Pets who share their human’s bed tend to have a “higher trust level and a tighter bond with the humans that are in their lives. It’s a big display of trust on their part,” Varble said.
瓦布尔说 , 和人同床而眠的宠物通常“对主人更信任更亲密 。这是宠物非常信任人类的表现 。”
“Dogs and cats who are more closely bonded with their humans get additional health benefits, including increases in beneficial neurotransmitters such as oxytocin and dopamine, the feel-good hormones,” she added.
她补充道:“与人类更亲近的狗和猫等动物还能得到额外的益处 , 包括会分泌更多催产素和多巴胺等神经传导物质 , 也就是我们所说的快乐激素 。”
With that important matter out of the way, let’s turn to you — is it good for you to sleep with a pet? Experts have traditionally said no because you might not get quality shut-eye.
在搞清这个重要问题之后 , 现在来关注一下宠物主人:和宠物一起睡觉对人有好处吗?传统上 , 专家都会给出否定答案 , 因为你可能无法得到高质量睡眠 。
“Animals may move, bark and disrupt sleep. Sleep in dogs (and cats) is not continuous and they will inevitably get up and walk on the bed, stepping on people. All of that activity will lead to sleep fragmentation,” said Dr. Vsevolod Polotsky, director of sleep research and a professor in the department of medicine at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.
约翰斯?霍普金斯大学医学院医学系教授弗谢沃洛德·波罗特斯基博士说:“动物会动来动去 , 大声叫唤 , 而这会干扰睡眠 。狗和猫的睡眠是间断性的 , 睡一会儿就必然会起来走动 , 并踩到主人 。这些活动都会导致主人的睡眠片段化 。”
These “microawakenings,” which can happen without your awareness, “are disruptive because they pull you out of deep sleep,” said Kristen Knutson, an associate professor of neurology and preventive medicine at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine. “They have been associated with the release of the stress hormone, cortisol, which can make sleep even worse.”
西北大学范伯格医学院的神经学及预防医学副教授克里斯汀·克努森说:“这些你可能意识不到的短暂觉醒会打断你的深度睡眠 , 并导致皮质醇释放 , 而这种压力激素会让你的睡眠质量变得更糟糕 。”
That may be true for many of us, but recent studies have shown that pets in the bedroom could be beneficial for some of us.
对许多人而言 , 和宠物共眠或许确实会影响睡眠质量 , 但是最近的研究表明 , 和宠物同睡对一些人是有益的 。

