和宠物住一个卧室健康吗 和宠物一起睡的害处( 二 )

“People with depression or anxiety may benefit from having their pet in the bed because the pet is a big pillow, a big blanket, and they may feel that snuggly, cuddly, furry creature decreases their anxiety,” said sleep specialist Dr. Raj Dasgupta, an assistant professor of clinical medicine at the Keck School of Medicine at the University of Southern California.
南加州大学凯克医学院的临床医学助理教授、睡眠专家拉杰·达斯古普塔博士说:“跟宠物同睡可能会对抑郁或焦虑的人有好处 , 因为宠物就像一个大枕头、一条大毯子 , 这种温暖舒适、毛绒绒、让人想拥抱的感觉会减轻他们的焦虑情绪 。”
Data gathered in 2017 from the Mayo Clinic’s Center for Sleep Medicine in Phoenix found over half of pet owners seen in the clinic allowed their pet to sleep in the bedroom — and the majority found their pet “unobtrusive or even beneficial to sleep.”
2017年凤凰城的梅奥诊所睡眠医学中心收集的数据发现 , 来诊所的超半数宠物主人都让宠物在卧室里睡觉 , 大部分人认为自己的宠物“没有干扰、甚至有助于自己的睡眠 。”
About 20% however, did believe their furry friends made their slumber worse.
不过的确有20%的宠物主人认为宠物让自己的睡眠质量下降了 。
Children may benefit from sleeping with a pet as well. A 2021 study asked adolescents ages 13 to 17 to wear sleep trackers for two weeks and then undergo a state-of-the-art sleep test. About a third of the kids slept with a pet, the study noted, which didn’t appear to affect the quality of their rest.
孩子们也能得益于和宠物共眠 。2021年的一项研究让13到17岁的青少年连续两周佩戴睡眠追踪器并接受最先进的睡眠测试 。研究指出 , 约有三分之一的孩子和宠物一起睡 , 而且宠物似乎没有影响他们的睡眠质量 。
state-of-the-art: adj. 最先进的;达到最高水准的
Despite the new science, many of us still need to think twice about bringing our dogs, cats or indoor pigs into our beds.
尽管新科学理论认为和宠物共眠有益 , 但是许多人在和狗、猫或宠物猪同睡之前还是要三思 。
“It is particularly harmful in people with insomnia or in patients with other sleep disorders,” Polotsky said.
波罗特斯基说:“对于患有失眠或其他睡眠障碍的人来说 , 和宠物同睡尤其有害 。”
There is another reason why snuggling with pets all night may not be good for your health. If you are one of the millions of people who suffer from asthma, allergies or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, sleeping with a furball could become a nightmare.
和宠物一起睡可能对你的健康不利还有另一个原因 。如果你是数百万患有哮喘、过敏或慢性阻塞性肺病的患者之一 , 和宠物一起睡将会带来灾难性的后果 。
And there are some pets, Varble said, you should never invite to bed.
瓦布尔说 , 还有一些宠物是绝对不能和人同床睡觉的 。
“I work with exotic pets, and a lot of them have very specific health and safety requirements, including being in an enclosure,” Varble said. “So while I know people who are very close to their ferrets and their guinea pigs, they need to be in their enclosure for their health at night. Those are not animals that we would want to have in bed with us.”
瓦布尔说:“我曾经和珍禽异兽打过交道 , 其中不少都有特殊的健康和安全要求 , 包括圈养规定 。我知道有些人与自己的雪貂和豚鼠非常亲密 , 但是为了健康着想 , 夜里还是应该把它们关起来 。这些动物都不适合和我们同床而眠 。”

