台胞想打大陆疫苗的心声 台胞点赞大陆疫苗接种国台办回应

国台办发言人马晓光6月16日在例行新闻发布会上应询指出 , 台湾疫情暴发以来 , 大陆表示愿以多种方式 , 尽最大努力帮助台湾同胞尽快战胜疫情 , 让台湾同胞尽快用上世卫组织认可的大陆疫苗 。
2021年4月19日 , 一位台湾同胞在上海接种新冠疫苗 。(图片来源:新华网)
A total of 62,000 Taiwan compatriots were vaccinated on the mainland on an informed consent basis from mid-April to May 31.4月中旬至5月31日 , 已有6.2万在大陆台胞在自愿和知情同意前提下 , 按有关政策接种疫苗 。
The Chinese mainland’s arrangements and efforts to help Taiwan compatriots get vaccinated against COVID-19 have demonstrated the blood bond of kinship and affection among people across the Straits, and such efforts are also lauded by Taiwan compatriots, said Ma.
马晓光表示 , 大陆为帮助台湾同胞接种新冠疫苗做出的安排和努力体现了血浓于水的两岸亲情 。很多台湾人士对大陆疫苗和接种安排表示赞扬 。

这里的laud其实就是praise(赞扬)的意思 , 只不过要比praise更正式一些 , 如果要在句子中把受到表扬的原因写出来 , 一般用laud someone for something , 比如:He was lauded for his new book(他的新书受到了好评) 。另外一个跟laud相似的词applaud本意指“鼓掌” , 也可以引申来表示“赞扬” , 比如:The audience applauded at the end of the performance(表演结束时观众鼓掌致意) , I applaud her efforts to lose weight(我很赞赏她努力减肥的行动) 。它的名词形式是applause(掌声) , 比如:a round of applause(一阵掌声) 。
马晓光在发布会上介绍 , 
As soon as the outbreak began in Taiwan, the mainland expressed its willingness to make prompt arrangements to provide the island with vaccines and to support NGOs in donating them to Taiwan compatriots, Ma said.台湾疫情暴发以来 , 大陆第一时间表达了愿意向台湾同胞提供大陆疫苗 , 支持民间机构向台湾同胞捐赠疫苗 。
However, “Democratic Progressive Party authorities refused the offers and even openly slandered the mainland with various excuses,” he said, adding that the mainland is willing to do its utmost to help Taiwan residents who want to get vaccinated.
但民进党当局却以各种借口阻挠、拒绝 , 甚至公然抹黑诬蔑大陆疫苗 。对于很多岛内民众表达希望能到大陆接种疫苗的需求和心愿 , 我们愿意尽最大努力提供帮助 。
Taiwan residents who fly to the mainland can get vaccinated on an informed consent basis as long as they meet vaccination requirements and strictly adhere to entry regulations related to epidemic prevention before boarding and after arriving, Ma said.
对于搭乘民航客运航班来大陆的台胞 , 只要符合接种条件 , 可在严格执行入境防疫规定(包括登机前和登机后) , 自愿和知情同意前提下 , 按有关政策在大陆接种疫苗 。

和平统一、一国两制peaceful reunification and “one country, two systems”
海峡两岸关系和平发展peaceful development of cross-Straits relations
疫情防控epidemic prevention and control
人类卫生健康共同体 a global community of health for all

