突破英语 跟读英语的软件

突破英语 跟读英语的软件

Break 释义:使)破,裂,碎;弄坏;损坏;坏掉;弄破;使流血
音标:英 [bre?k] 美 [bre?k]
break through 释义:冲破;突破;(克服困难或障碍)取得突破
音标;英 [bre?k θru?] 美 [bre?k θru?]
make a breakthrough 释义:突破;取得突破
音标:英 [me?k ? ?bre?kθru?] 美 [me?k ? ?bre?kθru?]
Surmount 释义:克服;解决;处于(某物)上面;置于(某物)顶端
音标:英 [s??ma?nt] 美 [s?r?ma?nt]
1、I stepped over a broken piece of wood.
我跨过一块破木头 。
2、The drizzle had now stopped and the sun was breaking through.
毛毛雨现在已经停了,太阳正破云而出 。
3、He's given up smoking for three years, but broke his vow this time.
他已戒烟三年,这次却破了戒 。
4、Scientists think they are beginning to break through in the fight against cancer.
科学家认为他们在对抗癌症的研究中开始有所突破 。
5、This was an important break through in the history of sports.
这是体育史上的一个重大突破 。
6、I know we could break through it.
我知道我们能突破 。
7、It's my job to help you break through.
我的工作就是帮助你突破 。
8、-Select and confirm the region of key technology to break through.
9、How to break through the "technical barrier" of food safety.
10、The challenge, therefore, is how do you break through?
埃洛普说,诺基亚面临的挑战在于如何取得突破 。
11、You can break through to the first few visitors.
你可以突破到第几关呢 。
12、They hope to break through soon in their fight against the disease.
他们希望和这个疾病的斗争不久取得突破 。
13、The company looks poised to make a significant breakthrough in China 。
这家公司看来很有把握在中国取得重大突破 。
14、Port is where the Chinese logistics industry can make a breakthrough.
15、Only objective research of social facts will make a breakthrough in theory.
只有客观地研究和把握社会事实,才有可能实现理论上的突破与创新 。
16、The key to the problems is to make a breakthrough with a clear aim.
有针对性地寻找突破是解决这些问题的关键 。
17、How will our retail business make a breakthrough after our entry into wto?
18、Question: Why does it seem difficult to make a breakthrough at the Six-Party Talks?
19、Besides, we should make a breakthrough early in the research on health factors in sesame-flavor liquor.
尽早在芝麻香型白酒健康因子方面的研究有所突破 。
20、Besides, we should make a breakthrough early in the research on health factors in sesame-flavor liquor.
尽早在芝麻香型白酒健康因子方面的研究有所突破 。
21、I realized I had to surmount the language barrier.
我意识到我不得不克服语言障碍 。
22、He surmounted his handicap and achieved great success.
他克服了自己的不利条件,取得很大成就 。
23、Translation need surmount double barriers to language and culture.
翻译需要克服语言和文化的双重障碍 。
24、Develop the authentication of chemical Green Mark, Surmount the Environmental Wall.

