实用英文写作范例申请出国进修 进修申请

进修申请(实用英文写作范例申请出国进修)范例: Dear Mr. Kevin, I am writing to you for a great plan! I am the leader of Research and Development Department. In order for improving my professional skill and offering better service for our company, I think I should learn more about current international sophisticated technology. I hereby advance an application for further study abroad. I will ensure to study hard and come back to contribute more to our company’s promising future! Your decision may influence our tomorrow. Please consider it carefully. Looking forward to your support! Sincerely yours, Miller

实用英文写作范例申请出国进修 进修申请

译文: 尊敬的凯文先生: 我写信是想给您讲讲我的大构想! 我是研发部的主管,为了提高职业技能,更好地服务于公司,我觉得我有必要学习更多的国际先进技术,所以我想向您申请一个出国深造的机会 。我保证会努力学习,并且回来后为我们公司的发展做出更大的贡献 。您的决定可能会影响公司的未来,请您慎重考虑 。期望您的支持! 米勒 进修申请(实用英文写作范例申请出国进修)

