The city operation service system for the Beijing 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games is fully in place two days ahead of the opening ceremony of the Winter Games. Support plans and emergency plans have been formulated for each competition venue. To cope with snowy weather, a municipal level emergency team for snow shoveling and ice clearing has also been set up and will provide emergency support for venues in extreme weather conditions.
目前 , 冬奥会城市运行服务保障已全面就绪 , 确保城市运行高效顺畅 , 为举办一届精彩、非凡、卓越的奥运盛会提供强有力支撑 。 围绕冬奥场馆 , 分别制定了保障方案和应急预案, , 在极端天气下为场馆扫雪铲冰提供应急支援 。
主媒体中心充满了浓浓的年味 中外采访人员合写吉祥“福”
A series of cultural events was held at the main media center for the Beijing 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games in the eve of Chinese New Year on Monday. Foreign journalists learned how to write the Chinese character Fu (good luck in English) and Spring Festival couplets in calligraphy with their Chinese counterparts. The mascot dolls of Bingdundun and Xuerongrong also joined the celebration and were undoubtedly the stars of the show. Journalists also participated in celebration activities held in the Jinpingguo community in Shijingshan District online to share the joyful moments with local Beijingers.
农历除夕 , 写春联写福字等精心策划的活动让北京冬奥会主媒体中心充满了浓浓的年味 , 北京冬奥会和冬残奥会吉祥物冰墩墩、雪容融的充气人偶也加入其中 , 中外采访人员欢聚一堂辞旧迎新 。 主媒体中心还在采访间通过视频连线的方式 , 让中外采访人员与石景山区金苹果社区的居民一起过年 。 视频中 , 居民们展示了贴春联、剪纸等民俗活动 。
11 members of the Yanqing Winter Olympics weather forecast service team started their day at 3am, and the first weather forecast was delivered at 5am to the competition venues, coaches and athletes. They have released the weather forecast on an hourly basis since Jan 25 at the National Alpine Skiing Center, National Sliding Center and the Yanqing weather service center. Established in 2017, the team has been trained in the mountainous area each winter in the past five years.
凌晨3时许 , 延庆的天空还黑漆漆一片时 , 冬奥延庆气象预报服务团队的11名成员已经准备就绪 , 奔赴各自的工作岗位了 。 每天凌晨5时 , 当天第一份气象预报已经发出 , 准时送达赛事方和各国教练、运动员以及工作人员手中 。 从1月25日开始 , 延庆赛区的冬奥预报服务团队制作发布逐小时的预报产品 。 从2017年开始 , 这支11人的延庆气象预报服务团队就已经组建成型 。 5年来的每一个冬天 , 他们都在延庆赛区驻扎 , 进行冬训和开展实地预报训练 。
Celebration events are held in the suburb of Beijing for local residents during the ongoing Spring Festival, the most important family reunion festival in Chinese culture. A plum blossom exhibition in Xiangshuihu Great Wall opened to visitors on Jan 25 and will last until the end of March. Over 800 indoor bonsai plants will blossom gradually and more than 10,000 plum trees grown along both sides of the Great Wall, will bloom in mid-to-late March.
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