冬奥|4个冬奥服务车站实行55天闭环和非闭环管理、北京中轴线申遗新添代言人......( 三 )

北京第四次成人烟草调查公布 成人吸烟率19.9%


The smoking rate among Beijing resident age 15 and above dropped to 19.9%. The number of smokers in this age group has decreased by 73,000 from 2019. The rate of exposure to second-hand smoke in workplaces and restaurants has declined to 23.4 percent and 37.3 percent, respectively, compared to 27 percent and 42.5 percent in 2019. The smoking rate in male population is 36% and 2.7% in female population, while 19% of smokers plan to quit smoking, three percentage higher than 2019. Beijing has prohibited smoking in public spaces since June 1st, 2015, when the regulations on tobacco control took effect.
近日调查数据显示 , 北京15岁及以上人群吸烟率为19.9% , 吸烟人数比2019年减少7.3万 。工作场所和餐馆二手烟暴露率分别由2019年的27%、42.5%下降为23.4%、37.3% 。男性吸烟率为36% , 女性为2.7% 。
247 grassroot level mental health service centers have been operating in Beijing by 2021, providing consultation and assessment services to local residents. 112 of them are located in 6 urban districts, the other 135 are in service in suburban districts. Chao Yang District has the largest number of such centers, followed by Xicheng, Haidian, Shunyi and Fangshan. By the end of 2025, more than 500 mental health service centers will be in operation in the capital.
截至2021年 , 北京市已经建成247家基层社会心理服务中心(站) , 可就近就便为辖区居民提供心理咨询和评估等服务 。 全市十六区中 , 城六区总共有112家基层社会心理服务中心(站) 。 郊区基层社会心理服务中心(站)数量超过了人口更多的城六区总数 , 共135家 。其中 , 朝阳区站点数量最多 , 达28家;其次是西城区、海淀区、顺义区和房山区 。 预计到“十四五”期末 , 全市将建成500个以上社会心理服务站点 , 实现街乡镇全覆盖 。


During the 14th Five Year Plan (2021-2025), 400 university students with bachelor and master’s degrees will be recruited by rural schools in Beijing annually. The recruitment will focus on majors like music, PE, arts, history, mental health and special education.
北京市将持续实施《北京市乡村教师特岗计划(2021—2025年)》 , 每年面向北京地区普通高等学校招聘400余名紧缺学科乡村教师 , 重点招聘音乐、体育、美育、历史、地理、政治、生物、劳动教育、心理健康教育和特殊教育等紧缺学科教师 。
来源:新华社 北京日报 北京晚报 北京新闻广播 北京交通广播
《感受北京 Touch Beijing》
重播19:30-21:00 次日7:00-8:30 12:30-14:00

