冬奥|4个冬奥服务车站实行55天闭环和非闭环管理、北京中轴线申遗新添代言人......( 二 )

Beijing 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games is the first Winter Olympics to be held in a continental monsoon climate. The Winter Olympics meteorological team has developed a series of models after four years of scientific and technological research, including high-precision weather forecast model, artificial intelligence error correction model and other key technologies. AI based information intensive processing service will be used in the meteorological service for the first time in the Olympic history during the Beijing 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. Such technologies will also play an important supporting role in the safe operation of large cities and urban transportation in the post-Winter Olympics era.
北京2022年冬奥会是历史上首次在大陆性季风气候条件下举办的冬奥会 。 经过四年科技攻关 , 冬奥气象科技团队研发出了高精度数值天气预报模型、人工智能误差订正模型等关键技术方法 。 基于人工智能气象预报的一些深加工技术 , 也是国际上第一次在冬奥会气象服务中应用 。 在后冬奥时代 , 冬奥气象科技成果以及应用经验 , 还能在大城市安全运行、城市交通等方面起到重要支撑作用 。


According to an action plan launched in 2017, Beijing will have 66,667 hectares of new green area by 2022. 38 afforestation projects will be implemented this year, covering a total area of 7647 hectares. With the completion of the action plan, forest coverage rate in Beijing will be over 44.8%, 1.8% higher than in 2017.
2017年底 , 北京市委市政府决策部署实施北京市新一轮百万亩造林绿化行动计划 , 提出到2022年全市新增绿化面积100万亩 。 市发改委下达今年首批38个新一轮百万亩造林绿化工程2022年项目专项建设任务 , 造林绿化总规模11.47万亩 , 占全年任务计划的68% 。 2022年项目实施后 , 新一轮百万亩造林绿化任务就圆满完成 , 全市森林覆盖率将达到44.8%以上 , 比2017年提高1.8个百分点 。
北京中轴线申遗新添代言人 “北京雨燕”带您云端领略古都之美


The digital image of Beijing Swift, an iconic bird of Beijing, will be the ambassador for the Central Axis while applying for the UNESCO World Heritage title. Blending in the unique features of historical buildings along the Central Axis, the digital image of Beijing Swift is designed into 20 colorful kite-shaped images.The capital will release an index in the future to comprehensively present the sustainable development of Beijing Central Axis cultural heritage.
北京中轴线申遗的新“代言人”——首个数字形象“北京雨燕”亮相 。 根据中轴线上不同遗产点特点 , “北京雨燕”被设计成20只独具风韵的“京燕风筝” , 巧妙融合了中轴线上众多遗产点的独特元素 。 未来 , 本市还将发布“北京中轴线文化遗产可持续发展指数” , 综合呈现北京中轴线文化遗产的可持续发展情况 。
On Dec 31st 2021, as the 474th hematopoietic stem cell donor in the capital, Mr. Zhang donated stem cells to a 12-year-old child suffering from aplastic anemia and saved his life. In 2021, 58 hematopoietic stem cell donations were made in Beijing, the highest number in history. 20 out of the 58 donors are university students, including 7 from Tsinghua University.
去年12月31日 , 来自中铁建工集团的张先生顺利完成造血干细胞采集 , 成为北京地区第474例造血干细胞捐献者 ,挽救了一名12岁再生性障碍贫血的患儿的生命 。 2021年北京地区成功实现造血干细胞捐献58例 , 捐献量为历年最高 。 据统计 , 2021年的58位捐献者中有20人来自首都高校 , 其中清华大学全年完成7例造血干细胞捐献 。

