不知道婚姻状况的女士英语,先生女士 英语怎么区分

不知道婚姻状况的女士英语,先生女士 英语怎么区分

题目:「每日单词」中国年轻女性不愿意结婚?词汇:20个,雅思难度福利: ,获取真题及词汇一、词汇
□ commend [k??mend] v. 赞扬,赞许;推荐,举荐;被接受,得到认可;把……托付给(或委托于);vi. 称赞;表扬;
□ complication [?k?mpl??ke??n] n. 使复杂化的难题(或困难);并发症;
□ immerse [??m??s] v. 使沉浸(于),使深陷(于);使浸没(于液体中);
□ misery [?m?z?ri] n. 痛苦,苦难;穷困,悲惨境遇;老发牢骚的人;
□ notion [?n???n] n. 概念;见解;打算;
□ underlying [??nd??la???] adj. 根本的,潜在的;表面下的;
□ aisle [a?l] n. 通道,走道;侧廊;
□ cyberspace [?sa?b?spe?s] n. 赛博空间、信息空间;
□ marital [?m?r?tl] adj. 婚姻的,夫妻关系的;
□ deter [d??t??(r)] vt. 制止,阻止;使打消念头;
□ diversity [da??v??s?ti] n. 多样性,多样化;不同,差异;
□ harmonious [hɑ??m??ni?s] adj. 和睦的,融洽的;悦耳的;的,协调的;
□ hesitant [?hez?t?nt] adj. 犹豫的,不愿的;
□ skyrocket [?ska?r?k?t] n. 流星烟火;冲天火箭;v. (价格)飞涨,猛涨;(使)……猛然上涨;
□ stark [stɑ?k] adj. 完全的;荒凉的;刻板的;光秃秃的;
□ blissful [?bl?sfl] adj. 的;使人幸福的;无忧无虑的;充满喜悦的;
□ unmarry [‘?n’m?ri] vt. 离婚;vi. 与某人解除婚姻;
□ respondent [r??sp?nd?nt] n. (调查表、问卷调查的)答卷人,调查对象;(尤指上诉案或离婚案的)被告;
□ blatant [?ble?tnt] adj. 喧嚣的;公然的;炫耀的;俗丽的;
□ overemphasize [???v?r?emf?sa?z] vt. 过分强调;vi. 过分强调;
Are China’s young women reluctant to get married?
According to a recent survey on marriage by a research center under the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Young League, those born between 1995 and 2009, known as Gen Z, aka the major group to walk down the aisle in the coming 10 years, displayed a decreasing interest in getting married. Furtherysis revealed that female respondents were noticeably less willing to marry than men. Women reluctant to engage in marriage outnumber their male peers by 19.29 percent.
根据中国会下属的一个研究中心最近对婚姻的调查,那些出生于1995年至2009年之间的人,被称为 z 世代,也就是在未来10年内步入婚姻殿堂的主要群体,显示出对结婚的兴趣下降 。进一步的分析显示,女性受访者的结婚意愿明显低于男性 。不愿结婚的女性比同龄男性高出 19.29% 。
The proportion of young people surveyed in economically developed areas who said they would not get married reached 14.4 percent, 7.7 percentage points higher than that found inaller cities. This means that the more economically developed a region is, the more people choose to stay single.
经济发达地区接受调查的年轻人表示不会结婚的比例达到14.4%,比小城市高7.7个百分点 。这意味着经济越发达的地区,选择单身的人就越多 。
Jiang Jingjing (www.thecover.cn): Some young people refuse to get married, or are at the very least hesitant, due to their fear of an unhappy union. Most of them are very active on various social media platforms, imposing their own fears and worries regarding the topic of marriage onto others. Gen Z tends to ignore the complexity, diversity and maturing process of marriage, but choose to overemphasize the risks and troubles that might come with it.
Jiang Jingjing(www.thecover.cn):有些年轻人拒绝结婚,或者至少是犹豫不决,因为他们害怕婚姻不愉快 。他们中的大多数人在各种社交媒体上都非常活跃,将自己对婚姻话题的恐惧和担忧强加于他人 。Z 世代倾向于忽视婚姻的复杂性、多样性和成熟过程,但选择过分强调可能带来的风险和麻烦 。

