美国是世界上最好的国家吧 美国最怕的国家( 二 )

毫无疑问,美国不是世界上最伟大的国家 。它有过辉煌的时刻,但美国有很多美国人不想解决的问题 。如果你想要一个更完整的答案,去网上搜索“新闻编辑室”,寻找“美国不是世界上最伟大的国家”这一段,它由艾伦·索尔金(Aaron Sorkin)编辑的很棒的节目 。在这篇文章中,一名新闻评论员被问到这个问题,并最终给出了一个绝好的答案 。每次我试图把它链接到这个网站上,它都会被版主删除,所以我吸取了教训不上传 。来关注它,寻找一些今后需要考虑的问题 。

美国华裔网友Lee The的回答
What do you mean “greatest”? It’s big but it’s not the biggest. It’s populous but it’s not the most populous. It’s a democracy but international rankings of countries by level of democracy put America in the second rank “flawed democracy” around #15 or thereabouts. It’s rich in natural resources but not uniquely so. It’s in the temperate latitudes but is prey to violent weather and, in the West, earthquakes. It has upward mobility but less than in the past and less than some other democracies. Women have a broad range of rights but other countries have more women in leadership roles in government.
你说“最棒”是什么意思?美国面积很大,但不是最大的 。美国人口众多,但不是人口最多的 。它是一个民主制国家,但根据国家民主水平的国际排名,美国排在第二;在“有缺陷的民主”排名中大约排15名左右 。美国拥有丰富的自然资源,但并非独一无二 。美国地处温带但极易受到恶劣天气的影响,在西部还会发生地震 。它经济在增长,但比过去少,比其他一些民主国家少 。女性拥有广泛的权利,但在其他国家管理层中有更多的女性担任 。
It does lead the world in popular culture, in part because American popular culture is a fusion of many international influences, making it a culture that many around the world can see a bit of their own culture in it.
美国确实在流行文化方面领先于世界,部分原因是美国流行文化融合了许多国际因素,使它成为一种世界各地的许多人都能从中看到自己文化的文化 。
And it does have the world’s most powerful military in terms of capability at fighting a war against another sizeable country. However, it has fallen short in understanding the hybrid warfare practiced proficiently by both China and Russia, our main international adversaries.
就作战能力而言,美国确实拥有世界上最强大的军队 。然而,对美国主要的国际对手中国和俄罗斯所熟练实施的混合战术缺乏了解 。
Lastly, it’s the world’s first large-scale democracy—the cradle of modern democracy—but like many if not most pioneering projects, it suffers from anachronisms more recent democracies learned to avoid from seeing our example. And since unlike the world’s other modern democracies, it was founded as a slaver nation, the specter of how slavery degrades both the slaves and the slavers, even though slavery was outlawed a century and a half ago, remnants of slave and slaver culture continue to cast a shadow over the country.
最后,美国有世界上最大规模的民主制度,也是现代民主制度的摇篮,但与许多最具开创性的项目一样,它也受到了时代错误的影响,近代的民主国家学会了不以我们为榜样 。与世界上其他现代民主国家不同的是,美国是作为一个奴隶国家建立的,尽管奴隶制在一个半世纪前被宣布为非法,但奴隶和奴隶文化的残余继续给这个国家投下阴影 。
The result of those anachronisms is a democracy in which its rural/small town conservative demographic wields far more voting power than its numbers alone would justify. And because this demographic tends to be uneducated and ignorant of critical thinking, it’s prey to being manipulated by demagogues. Hence Trump.

