
see的第三人称单数怎么写see第三人称单数see 第三人称单数形式是什么see的第三人称单数怎么写英 [si:z]美 [si:z]看见拍照翻译四六级真题常用词典影视例句网络释义sees四级考研v.设想;看见;领会;经历;拜访;(see的第三人称单数)n.牧座;主教教区;(see的复数)原形: see双语例句The organization sees the power of Brussels as a counterpoise to that of London.该组织视布鲁塞尔为伦敦的抗衡力量 。牛津词典Now he is fey, he sees his own death, and I see it too.他注定要死了,他看见了自己的死亡,我也看见了 。牛津词典He sees the ball early and strokes it through the gap in the field.他早早地看见了球,把它从防守队的空隙中击了过去 。牛津词典He sees the new fund as an excellent hedge against a fall in sterling.他把新基金看做是一项良好的防备英镑下跌的保值措施 。牛津词典The observer interprets what he sees in terms of his own cultural f

