
如何看待“辱华风波”后,维珍航空又把11岁中国男孩赶下飞机?按照当今世界人道主义和国际法来讲,是不道德的,第一他有没有责任人在飞机上,第二,是不是没有卖飞机票,第三,男孩犯了错误吗,如果三项都存在,你可以要求民航民警可以赶下飞机,那飞机上人员最底限度找到他家人或送候机室保护,否则你不能把这男孩赶下飞机,不然违反了人道主义 。rr去年3月份曾深陷“辱华风波”的维珍航空又摊上事了——机组人员在飞机起飞前将一名无人陪伴的11岁中国男孩“逐出”机舱,家长表示此举给孩子造成了心理创伤 。面对这样的举动,外媒都看不下去了,并详细曝光了此事↓Virgin Atlantic has sparked fury in China after crew members allegedly kicked an unaccompanied 11-year-old boy from a London-bound flight at Shanghai airport, with the family saying the youngster was traumatised from his experience.据称,英国维珍大西洋航空公司的机组人员在从上海机场飞往伦敦的航班上将一名无人陪伴的11岁男孩逐出机舱,此举在中国引发愤怒,男孩家人表示这一遭遇给孩子造成了心理创伤 。The family claim that they had booked an ‘unaccompanied minors’ seat for the boy, who was due to attend a summer camp in Britain.这家人称,他们为男孩预订了“无人陪伴的未成年人”座位,孩子准备飞往英国参加夏令营 。But after being seated on the plane, he was told he had to leave as that category had been overbooked.但是坐上飞机后,男孩被告知必须离开,因为受托管的孩子超过了限额 。Ye Wennan, the family’s lawyer, told The Telegraph: “More than 10 staff, including the captain and flight attendants came over and demanded him to get off the plane.”这家人的律师叶文南(音)在接受《电讯报》采访时称,“10多名机组人员,包括机长和空乘过来要求他下飞机 。”The boy’s mother said her son was due to fly to the UK on the VS251 flight on July 9, and that she had decided to go public a

