在家无聊 , 没钱花 。但又不想去打工 , 怎么办?别让怯弱否定了自己 , 别让懒惰耽误了青春 。Don't let cowardice deny you, don't let laziness youth.人人都不想被人看不起 , 但是你今天偷的懒 , 为今后被人鄙视埋下了伏笔 。Everyone does not want to be looked down upon, but you are lazy today, causing foreshadowing for being looked down in the future.过去的习惯 , 决定今天的你 。过去的懒惰 , 决定今天的一败涂地 。人哪 , 你可以失败 , 也可以从失败中站起 。决不能习惯失败 , 因为你要知道 , 身体的疲惫 , 不是真正的疲惫 。精神上的疲惫 , 才是真的劳累 。有一种成功 , 叫永不言弃 。有一种成功 , 叫继续努力 。Your past habits determine who you are today.The laziness of the past determines the defeat of today.People, you can fail or stand up from failure.Never get used to failure, because you have to know that physical exhaustion is not true exhaustion.Mental exhaustion is really exhausted.There is a kind of success called "never give up".There is a kind of success called "Keep trying.路是自己走的 , 勇敢的坚持下去 , 切勿懒惰 , 人的一生是有限的 , 只有自立 , 相信你自己才会谱写出一个辉煌精彩的人生 。The road is our own, you need to be brave and insist on, don't be lazy, life is limited, being self-reliance, believe that you will have a wo
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