1.“我的喜欢写在风里 , 从此整个世界都是你 。”
I like to write in the wind, from now on the whole world is you.
2.“愿夏天期待的一切,都与你有关 。”
May everything you look forward to in summer be about you.
3.“心怀浪漫宇宙,也珍惜人间日常 。”
Cherish the romantic universe and the daily life of the world.
4.“我本无意爱你,如今忘不掉你 。”
I didn’t mean to love you, now I can’t forget you.
5.“人间疾苦 , 颠沛流离,我想和你有个家 。”
The human world is full of sufferings,It is I want to have a home with you.
6.“微风捎上温柔打样,甜梦仅对你可见 。”
Breeze with gentle proofing, sweet dream is only visible to you.
7.“不知不觉,已经变成了故事中的大人 。”
Unconsciously, he has become the adult in the story.
8.“好不容易相遇的人,不要轻易说再见 。”
Don’t say goodbye to those who meet very hard.
9.“希望这个夏天,有心动有惊喜,有人陪我吹晚风 。”
I hope this summer, there will be a surprise, someone to accompany me to blow the evening breeze.
10.“抬头看月亮 , 我们就看对眼了 。”
When we look up at the moon, we see the right eye.
11.“世界上所有的惊喜和好运,都是你积累的温柔和善良 。”
All the surprises and good luck in the world are your accumulated gentleness and kindness.
12.“走遍天涯海角 , 最想走的还是你心里 。”
Travel all over the world, you want to go most is your heart.
【治愈系温柔短句 走心的情感文案】
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