vlog的正确读法到底是什么? vlog怎么读( 二 )

3)cut corners表示“(做事)图省事 , 贪便宜 , 取捷径”(to do something in the easiest, cheapest, or fastest way) , 举个:
There's a temptation to cut corners when you're pushed for time, but it's not worth it.
时间紧迫时你会很想走捷径 , 但这么做并不值得 。

接着再来看vlog的其它定义 , 剑桥词典(Cambridge Dictionary)给出的释义为:a video blog: a record of your thoughts, opinions, or experiences that you film and publish on the internet. 视频博客 , 就是对日常的思考、观点、经历或者体验的记录 。

柯林斯词典(Coll Dictionary)的释义:A vlog is a set of videos that someone regularly posts on the internet in which they record their thoughts or experiences or talk about a subject.

牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)的释义:A personal website or social media account where a person regularly posts short videos. 牛津词典中还提到 , vlog的起源于21世纪初 。Origin:Early 21st century: blend of video and blog.


此处表示“混合词(用另外两个词的首尾连接而成的)” , 英文解释为“a word formed by joining together the beginning and the end of two other words”举个:
"Brunch" is a blend of "breakfast" and "lunch".
“早午餐”是“早餐”与“午餐”的混合词 。

此外 , blend也可以表示不同事物的“融合 , 结合”(a mixture of different things that combine together well) , 如:a blend of youth and experience 年轻而且有经验 。

vlog主题丰富 , 通常为作者个人生活日常小事的记录 。SixthTone曾对B站的vlog标题做了数据分析 , 发现vlogger发布的视频中 , 最常见的主题有:Routine、Me以及Life 。

vlog的正确读法到底是什么? vlog怎么读

说了这么多vlog , 这个词到底怎么读呢?如果你细心的话 , 可能已经发现了文章开头Wikipedia的定义就给出了音标:vlog /vl?ɡ/. 先来听听欧阳娜娜是怎么读的吧 。

听清楚了吗?没听清楚的话再多听几遍词典中的发音 。
哈哈哈哈哈 , 你读对了吗?

那么 , vlog近年来究竟有多火呢?我们来看个图吧:

vlog的正确读法到底是什么? vlog怎么读


这是2004年至今 , Google搜索热度随时间变化的趋势图 。其中 , 蓝色线代表vlog;红色线代表vlogger;黄色线代表vlogging 。

As you can tell from the graph above, the popularity of vlogging has risen exponentially the last few years and continues to grow in a rapid pace.

可以看到 , 热度持续在上涨 , 是什么原因呢?

The rise in popularity can be attributed to the fact that the equipment needed to produce vlogs has become cheaper and more accessible to a lot of people. Anyone with access to a video-capable camera and a internet connection can create a vlog and publish their vlogs online. So it has become a lot easier to become a vlogger.

Unlike the mainstream media, such as television or commercial websites, vloggers (usually) don't create vlogs for the sole purpose of making money. As a result, vlogging gives ordinary people the ability to share their opinion on any topic they want and produce content about anything they want. (From Vloggingpro.com)

