关于sweat的有趣表达 sweat

关于sweat的有趣表达 sweat


aAnd now, Words and Their Stories, from VOA Learning English. Sweat. Those tiny drops of perspiration that make up part of our bodies cooling system.
现在是美国之音慢速英语《词汇掌故》节目 。汗水 。这些微小的汗珠组成了我们身体冷却系统的一部分 。
We sweat when we do hard physical work. We sweat when we exercise.
当我们做强体力劳动时 , 我们出汗 。我们运动时出汗 。
In these situations we can say we "work up a sweat". For example, running is a great way to work up a sweat.
在这些情况下 , 我们可以说我们"work up a sweat" 。例如 , 跑步是一种让人出汗的好方法 。
We also sweat when it is hot outside. But we wouldn't say we worked up a sweat.
当外面很热的时候 , 我们也会出汗 。但我们不会说we worked up a sweat 。
We didn't do any work. We just got sweaty by being hot.
我们什么都没做 。我们只是因为太热而出汗 。
We often use another verb when talking about sweating: break. For example, when I helped my friend move to her new apartment, I barely broke a sweat.
当谈论出汗时 , 我们经常使用另一个动词:break 。例如 , 当我帮我的朋友搬到她的新公寓时 , 我几乎没有出汗(broke a sweat) 。
That is because she doesn't own very much. I just needed to help her move some books, kitchen items, a box of clothes, and a cat.
那是因为她的东西并不多 。我只是需要帮她搬一些书 , 厨房用品 , 一箱衣服和一只猫 。
Now, there are other situations when people may sweat. When we are very scared, nervous, worried, or simply uncertain about something, we could sweat.
现在 , 还有其他情况下 , 人们可能会出汗 。当我们非常害怕、紧张、担心或对某事不确定时 , 我们会出汗 。
If any of these feelings go to an extreme, we might say we "broke out in a cold sweat". For example, people who do not like to speak in front of strangers might break out in a cold sweat if they have to talk to a large crowd of people.
如果这些感觉走到了极端 , 我们可以说我们"突然冒了一身冷汗"(broke out in a cold sweat) 。例如 , 不喜欢在陌生人面前讲话的人如果不得不在一大群人面前讲话 , 可能会出一身冷汗 。
Sweating can also be a sign that you are unsure of your ability. That is why one popular advertisement for underarm deodorant had this famous expression: "Never let them see you sweat".
出汗也可能是你对自己能力不确定的信号 。这就是为什么腋下除臭剂的一个流行广告有这句名言:"Never let them see you sweat" 。
Sweating could also be seen as a sign that you are lying -- or at least not telling the whole truth. If you watch crime shows, sweating is one thing police look for when they question a suspect of a crime.
出汗也可能被视为说谎的迹象——或者至少没有说出全部真相 。如果你看犯罪节目 , 警察在审问犯罪嫌疑人的时候会注意他们是否出汗 。
Now, sometimes we use the word sweat in a strange way. Let's say you help someone do something.
有时候我们会以一种奇怪的方式使用sweat这个词 。假设你帮助某人做某事 。
But it was really not a big deal for you. The person thanks you.
但这对你来说真的没什么大不了的 。那个人感谢你 。
And you can say to them, "No sweat"! This just means it was easy for you to do. But I would only use this with someone I know fairly well.

