大家好,今天和大家聊一下字符的输入/输出 。
// 从stream中读取字符int fgetc ( FILE * stream );int putc ( int character, FILE * stream );int getc ( FILE * stream );// 从stream中读取字符串char * fgets ( char * str, int num, FILE * stream );// 向stream中写入字符int fputc ( int character, FILE * stream );//int putc ( int character, FILE * stream );// 向stream中写入字符串int fputs ( const char * str, FILE * stream );// 从标准输入(stdio)读取一个字符int getchar ( void );// 从标准输入(stdio)读取一个字符串char * gets ( char * str );// putcharWrite character to stdout (function )putsWrite string to stdout (function )ungetcUnget character from stream (function )下面我们来看看实例代码 。
#include <stdio.h>int main ( ){FILE * pFile;int c;int n = 0;pFile=fopen ("myfile.txt","r");if (pFile==NULL)perror ("Error opening file");else{do {c = fgetc (pFile);if (c == '$') n++;} while (c != EOF);fclose (pFile);}return 0;}#include <stdio.h>int main(){FILE * pFile;char mystring [100];pFile = fopen ("myfile.txt" , "r");if (pFile == NULL)perror ("Error opening file");else {if ( fgets (mystring , 100 , pFile) != NULL )puts (mystring);fclose (pFile);}return 0;}#include <stdio.h>int main (){FILE * pFile;char c;pFile = fopen ("alphabet.txt","w");if (pFile!=NULL) {for (c = 'A' ; c <= 'Z' ; c++)fputc ( c , pFile );fclose (pFile);}return 0;}#include <stdio.h>int main (){FILE * pFile;char sentence [256];printf ("Enter sentence to append: ");fgets (sentence,256,stdin);pFile = fopen ("mylog.txt","a");fputs (sentence,pFile);fclose (pFile);return 0;}#include <stdio.h>int main (){int c;puts ("Enter text. Include a dot ('.')"" in a sentence to exit:");do {c=getchar();putchar (c);} while (c != '.');return 0;}#include <stdio.h>int main(){char string [256];printf ("Insert your full address: ");// warning: unsafe (see fgets instead)gets (string);printf ("Your address is: %sn",string);return 0;}#include <stdio.h>int main (){char c;for (c = 'A' ; c <= 'Z' ; c++)putchar (c);return 0;}#include <stdio.h>int main (){char string [] = "Hello world!";puts (string);}今天的内容就这么多了,以上的内容虽然看起来简单 。
但是,想要运用自如的话,还是需要大家勤加联系的 。
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