月食和日食的知识解读 什么是月食什么是日食


月食和日食的知识解读 什么是月食什么是日食

ALL ABOUT ECLIPSES: A GUIDE FOR COPING WITH THEM关于日食和月食的指南By Susan Miller作者:苏珊米勒,美国著名占星师 。 (注:本文英文来自苏珊米勒英文网站:中文借助百度翻译转换而成 。对翻译内容有意见建议者,欢迎留言区批评指正 。转载请注明译者—自言自语M) 。由于整篇文章内容较长,翻译是业余时间完成,所以人为将文章分成了五部分,我会在上面标注(第一部分)、(第二部分)、(第三部分)、(第四部分)、(第五部分),并加上了目录,最后会合成一篇完整的文章,由此带来阅读不便还请多多包含 。 目 录第一部分:引言;第二部分:食相基础知识;第三部分:对日食的理解和应对(1-10);第四部分:对日食的理解和应对(11-20);第五部分:对日食的理解和应对(21-32) 。 第二部分 食相基础知识First, Some Basic Information一些基础知识(If you feel you know the basics, skip down to the next section. Here I will speak about families of eclipses.)如果你认为自己具备食相的基础知识,可直接跳到下一节 。这里我会谈一谈关于“星座对”的理解 。Eclipses always arrive in pairs, coinciding with new moon and full moons, as solar and lunar eclipses, respectively. They appear in a family of signs that are joined on the same axis. Said another way, eclipse families come in pairs of signs that are found exactly opposite each other (six months apart) on the horoscope wheel.食相总是成对地伴随着新月和满月同时出现,分别表现为日食和月食,它们出现在一对位于同一轴线的星座中 。换句话说,食相总是出现在一对星座中,并且这两个星座在占星轮上正好彼此相对,相差6个月 。For example, back in 2015 we had eclipses in the Pisces-Virgo family of signs. They included a solar new moon eclipse on March 20, 2015 in Pisces at 29 degrees, and later, a solar eclipse September 12 in Virgo at 20 degrees arrived. Two eclipses in the Aries-Libra family dotted the year too, with a lunar eclipse in Libra on April 4, at 14 degrees, and lunar eclipse full moon September 27 Aries 5 degrees. As you see we have two families of eclipses going on during the same year, and sometimes that happens.例如,回顾2015年,在双鱼-处女“星座对”上发生了食相,其中包括3月20日双鱼座29度的新月日食,以及随后9月12日发生的处女座20度的日食 。白羊-天秤“星座对”上的两次食相发生在这一年,分别是4月4日在天秤座14度上发生了月食,以及9月27日,白羊座5度上发生了月全食 。如你所闻,一年内我们经历了两对星座食相的发生,这是不经常发生的事 。In 2016 the same thing happened. Three eclipses in the Pisces-Virgo family of signs, including solar eclipses on March 8 in Pisces at 19 degrees, a solar new moon eclipse on September 1 at Virgo 9 degrees, and a lunar eclipse September 16 in Pisces. Earlier in the year we have lunar full moon eclipse in Libra, on March 23, 2016 at 3 degrees and that one will finally concludes two years of Libra-Aries family of eclipses.2016年,同样的事情发生了 。双鱼-处女“星座对”上发生了三次食相,包括3月8日双鱼座19度的日食,9月1日处女座9度的新月日食以及9月16日双鱼座月食 。2016年3月23日,在天秤座3度发生了月全食,最终结束了为期两年的天秤-白羊“星座对”食相周期 。By March 23, 2016, the total number of eclipses that occurred in the Libra-Aries family will be six. The Pisces-Virgo family will finish in February 26, 2017 with a total number of six eclipses as well, and in either case, that is enough to cause a transformation.到2016年3月23日,天秤-白羊“星座对”发生的食相总数达到6次 。双鱼-处女“星座对”食相周期将在2017年2月26日结束,同样发生了六次食相,两个事件中的任何一个都足以引起一个全新的转变 。If you have planets that correspond to the mathematical degree of the eclipse in you natal chart, you will note the news of the eclipse in a dramatic way. You will see an eclipse works retrograde, starting with a high mathematical degree and working backward to early degrees. Most people do not feel every eclipse in a family of signs, only the ones touching planets, the Sun, moon, or ascendant in the natal chart. Eclipses are powerful so you would not need to feel all of them. The randomness of the degrees ensures a wide number of people will feel them in their natal chart at some point.如果你的命盘中有行星和食相有一定的角度,你会经历印象深刻地注意到食相的消息 。你将看到一个逆行的食相,从一个大角度开始并运行至之前运行的角度 。许多人不会感受到“星座对”中的每一次食相,只有那些在你命盘中能够触及到行星、太阳、月亮或上升的星座的食相 。食相是强大的,你们不需要去感受所有食相 。角度的随机性能够使很多人在某个时间点,在他们各自的命盘中感受到 。A family of signs will keep occurring in pairs, coinciding with new moons and full moons, every five and a half months for 18 to 24 months, until they are done. At that point, your transformation will be complete. Once a family of signs is finished, it will not be back for about seven or eight years.一个“星座对”将伴随着新月和满月持续地成对发生,每五个半月出现一次,持续18~24个月,直到它们完成 。到那时,你的转变就完成了 。一旦一个“星座对”结束,大概七八年内都不会再回来了 。The years that hold eclipses in your sign or rising sign will be vital for you and trigger fascinating turning points, so if you are a Pisces, Virgo, Aries, or Libra, 2015 and 2016 will be landmark years for you.在你的星座或上升星座发生食相的年份对你至关重要,并触发令人印象深刻的转折点 。所以,如果你是双鱼座、处女座、白羊座或天秤座,2015年和2016年是你的里程碑年 。Back in 2011, we saw a striking example of how two families of eclipses can overlap, with a solar eclipse in Gemini June 1, a lunar eclipse arriving two weeks later in Sagittarius on June 15, and a third – a solar eclipse – arriving in Cancer on July 1. Three eclipses in a row are somewhat rare, each two weeks apart. The July 1, 2011, eclipse marked the end of a two-year series in Cancer-Capricorn. That was a tough time, as we were all called to make many adjustments quickly.回望2011年,我们在当时就看到了两个食相“星座对”如何重叠的一个经典事件 。6月1日的双子座日食,两周后6月15日的射手座月食,以及7月1日的巨蟹座日食 。相隔两周一次,一连发生三次食相有些罕见 。2011年7月1日的日食标志着为期两年的巨蟹-摩羯“星座对”事件的结束 。那是一段艰难的时期,因为我们都被要求迅速地做出许多调整 。What is the Difference between a Solar and Lunar Eclipse?日食和月食有什么区别?In a Scientific and Astrological Sense?在科学和占星学的意义上A solar eclipse occurs when the moon stands between the Sun and earth, cutting off the light of the Sun. This is what we typically think of when we use the word “eclipse,” with the moon covering the Sun.日食就是当月亮位于太阳和地球之间,阻挡了太阳光,就会发生的食相事件 。当我们使用词语“食相”时,我们通常会认为的那样,月亮遮住了太阳 。A lunar eclipse occurs when the earth stands between the moon and the Sun, cutting off the light of the Sun from the moon. The moon has no light of her own, as she simply reflects the light of the Sun. Here the moon basically disappears. A lunar eclipse is always a full moon and usually marks endings or culmination points.月食就是当地球位于月球和太阳之间,阻挡了月球上的太阳光时,就会发生食相事件 。月亮不发光,她只是简单地反射太阳光 。这时,月亮就基本看不见了 。月食总是一个满月,通常标志着事件的结束或高潮 。Any eclipse is a significant event in the heavens. In truth, a solar eclipse is really a new moon on steroids and a lunar eclipse is a full moon on steroids – they have the strength of three new moons or full moons.任何食相都是天上的重大事件 。事实上,日食是一个强大的新月,月食是一个强大的满月,他们具有三个新月或满月的能量强度 。I have a lot of tips, so be sure to read all the points I have listed below. I start with the most interesting points to consider, but keep reading – I would like you to know them all.我给了很多建议,所以一定要阅读下面列出的所有要点 。我从最有趣的几点开始,但请继续阅读,我希望你们都知道 。Let’s review the points to keep in mind about eclipses so that you can cope with any unexpected changes they may bring.让我们回顾一下食相需要记住的重点,这样你们就可以应付食相可能带来的任何意想不到的变化 。

