The three Winter Paralympic villages in Beijing, Yanqing and Zhangjiakou closed on March 16. In the future, the residential area of the Winter Paralympic Village in Beijing will be converted into public rental housing. A cultural and creative sports park will be built in the village area and the square will be turned into a shopping mall. The Winter Paralympic Village in Yanqing will be converted into a resort hotel, while the Winter Paralympic Village in Zhangjiakou will become a health care facility.
3月16日 , 北京、延庆和张家口三个冬残奥村正式闭村 。 闭村后 , 北京冬残奥村的居住区将转换为人才公租房 , 代表团接待大厅至媒体中心等区域将成为购物中心 , 延庆冬残奥村将转换为度假酒店 , 张家口冬残奥村将成为康养基地 。
The Qingming Festival is approaching. Beijing residents will be able to carry out tomb sweeping in a variety of ways, including online ceremonies, hiring others to sweep tombs and sweeping tombs on-site. From now on, the public can make online reservations for ritual services. Due to the pandemic, the reservation is required for tomb sweepers and the earliest time to make an appointment is March 19.
清明祭扫高峰临近 , 北京市推出网络祭扫、代为祭扫和现场祭扫三种便民惠民服务项目 。 即日起 , 公众可通过网络预约祭扫服务 , 根据疫情防控要求 , 未预约的不得入园 。 最早可预约祭扫的时间是3月19日(本周六) 。
北京将提升基础教育阶段科学教育水平 加强200余家示范校建设
The latest edition of the "Beijing Science Literacy Outline" proposes to improve scientific literacy of young people, enhance their interest in science and innovation ability. The "Outline" proposes to promote individual development of young people with the potential to become scientists. The "Outline" proposes integrating science into classrooms and extracurricular activities and encouraging young people to contribute to China’s scientific and technological development.
《北京科学素质纲要》提出实施青少年科学素质提升行动 , 增强科学兴趣、创新意识和创新能力 , 促进具备科学家潜质的青少年群体个性化发展 。 《北京科学素质纲要》提出要将科学精神融入课堂教学和课外实践活动 , 激励青少年树立投身建设科技强国的远大志向 。
In 2021, the total number of newly established enterprises in the city reached 237,900, a year-on-year increase of 28.04%. This figure is a five-year high. Due to the lowering of market entry barriers, market vitality has been further enhanced. Since January 2021, the city offers full range of electronic services for starting a business, including obtaining licenses, seals and invoices.
2021年 , 全市新设企业累计达23.79万户 , 同比增长28.04% , 为近5年新高 。 市场准入门槛降低 , 市场活力得以进一步焕发 。 自2021年1月20日起 , 全市实现开办企业领取执照、印章、发票“三大件”电子化模式全覆盖 。
Zhengyici Peking Opera Theatre, located in Xicheng District, is the oldest opera building with wooden structure in China. After three years of meticulous restoration, the newly renovated theatre will reopen on March 26. It retains the architectural features and historic atmosphere and offers a new space for performing arts that is "small and refined".
位于北京市西城区前门西河沿街220号的正乙祠戏楼 , 是中国最古老、保存基本完好的纯木结构戏楼 , 将于3月26日重新开放 。 长达三年细致入微的修缮 , 在保留建筑特色和历史质感的同时 , 焕然一新的正乙祠戏楼即将亮相 。 正乙祠戏楼将以“会馆有戏”的全新方式形成“小而精”“小而雅”“小而美”的演艺新空间 。
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