国家体育馆|“鸟巢”开启冬残奥保障模式、迎冬残奥会 国家体育馆冰面换标识……

国家体育馆|“鸟巢”开启冬残奥保障模式、迎冬残奥会 国家体育馆冰面换标识……

The opening andclosing ceremonies of the Beijing 2022 Winter Paralympics will be held at theNational Stadium (Bird’s Nest) on Mar 4th and Mar 13th. The operation teamis preparing for the Games. 13 work groups have been set up for venue security,power supply, smart venue operation and other tasks. After the Games,the Bird’s Nest will continue to serve important domestic and internationalevents and strive to create an operation model integrating large-scalecompetitions and performances, public fitness, tourism and leisure serviceswith smart operation.
作为“双奥开闭幕式场馆”的国家体育场 , 目前已迅速转向冬残奥会保障模式 。 为做好北京冬奥会服务保障工作 , “鸟巢”业主单位北京国资公司统筹工程改造 , 成立场地保障组、电力保障组、景观标识组、智慧场馆组等13个工作组 , 全力配合冬奥组委开展开闭幕式相关筹备工作 。 3月4日和3月13日 , “鸟巢”将先后举办北京冬残奥会开幕式和闭幕式 , 场馆保障团队目前已迅速投入到筹备工作之中 , 全力以赴确保“两个奥运、同样精彩” 。
迎冬残奥会 国家体育馆冰面换标识
国家体育馆|“鸟巢”开启冬残奥保障模式、迎冬残奥会 国家体育馆冰面换标识……

The National Indoor Stadium is preparing for the Beijing 2022 Winter Paralympics. The Paralympic logo was set on the ice surface on Feb 22. The staff also made a functional transformation of the interview area of the venue. The height of railings has been reduced from 1.2 meters to 0.6 meters to facilitate Winter Paralympic athletes. In the athlete preparation area of the competition site, transparent wall was set for the Winter Paralympic athletes to see the competition easily. Barrier-free access from the locker rooms to the competition site has been set as well. vAthletes will enter the venue for training on February 26.
国家体育馆进入北京冬残奥会转换期 ,22日 , 竞赛场馆制冰团队在冰面上完成了冬残奥会标识更换铺设工作 。 当天 , 除了更换冰面标识等景观性转换 , 工作人员还对场馆混合采访区进行了功能性转换 。 挡板高度由1.2米降至0.6米 , 以方便冬残奥运动员接受媒体采访人员采访另外 , 在比赛场地的运动员准备区 , 冬奥会时原有的几段实心板墙已换成透明的板墙 , 方便冬残奥运动员及时看到场内的比赛情况;无障碍通道则从更衣室一直通到赛场 。 据悉 , 2月26日参赛运动员将进入国家体育馆进行场地训练 。
延庆冬奥村:运动员餐厅调整 , 准备服务冬残奥
国家体育馆|“鸟巢”开启冬残奥保障模式、迎冬残奥会 国家体育馆冰面换标识……

The Yanqing Winter Olympic Village started the landscapes conversion and installations of barrier-free facilities for the Paralympic Winter Games. The athletes’ dining area has adjusted the height of tables and chairs for wheelchair users. 46 wheelchair seats are reserved. Passages will be widened for wheelchair access, reducing the number of seats from 346 to 212. The area also lowered the height of hand sterilizers, garbage bins and other facilities. Winter Paralympic logos were set and liquid food mixers added. More operating staff will be available to serve the athletes in the dining area.
北京冬奥会闭幕后 , 延庆冬奥村开始进行景观更换、无障碍设施调整等 , 即将转换为冬残奥村 。 冬残奥转换期 , 按照国际残奥委会的要求 , 来自首旅集团的餐饮团队对运动员餐厅进行调整 , 升高桌椅的高度 , 便于坐轮椅就餐;预留轮椅餐位46个;同时需加宽通道便于轮椅通行 , 餐位由346减少到212个 。 餐饮团队用轮椅测试 , 调整了桌椅布局 , 还调低了手消机、餐具台、垃圾台等高度;将冬奥标识更换为冬残奥标识;在餐台上增加了制作流食的搅拌器 , 为有需求的运动员现场制作流食;在整个餐线上 , 增加工作人员 , 随时为残疾运动员提供服务 。

