

The final rehearsal for the Beijing 2022 opening ceremony was held at the National Stadium on Wednesday night. It was open to Olympic Broadcasting Services (OBS), rights-holding broadcasters and the press to attend in order to better understand the ceremony on February 4. Chang Yu, director of the opening and closing ceremonies department of the Beijing 2022 organizing committee, said that the broadcast quality is crucial as the ceremony will air live to billions of viewers around the world.
2月2日晚 , 北京2022年冬奥会开幕式最后一次彩排在国家体育场“鸟巢”上演 。 本次彩排面向奥林匹克转播服务公司、全球各地奥运持权转播商和媒体采访人员开放 , 从而让他们更好地了解开幕式 。 北京冬奥组委开闭幕式工作部部长、国家体育场运行团队主任常宇说 , 北京冬奥会开幕式将在2月4日向全球直播 , 届时全球将有数十亿观众共同欣赏和观看 , 因此转播报道工作十分重要 。

On February 2nd, Pierre Ducrey, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) Olympic Games operations director, said that as far as athletes are concerned, everything is ready. According to Pierre Ducrey, 70% of the participating athletes had arrived in Beijing and started training in various venues.
2月2日下午 , 国际奥委会吹风会在北京冬奥会主媒体中心主发布厅举行 , 国际奥委会奥运会部运行主任皮埃尔·杜克雷在会上表示 , 距离开幕式只有两天 , 在运动员方面 , 已经全面就绪 , 70%的运动员已经到达北京 , 在各个场馆开启训练 。

For the first time in Olympic history, two robotic torch bearers completed an underwater torch relay on Wednesday afternoon in Beijing. The visual effect was impressive and the torch fire under water looked almost as if the flame was flaming in the air, particularly in terms of color and shape.
2月2日 , 两名“机器人”火炬手完成水下接力 , 在最为精彩的“水下悬停对接”环节 , 水下火炬在机器人的操作下进行精准对接 , 整个过程中火炬的火焰一直熊熊燃烧 , 跳动的火苗在水陆两个环境中保持着旺盛飘逸的姿态 。 在世界奥运历史上 , 曾有运动员在水下进行火炬接力以及机器人在陆地上的火炬接力的先例 , 但由两位“机器人”完成水下接力尚属首次 。
Brian McCloskey, chief expert of the Beijing Winter Olympics medical team, said on February 2 that epidemic prevention policy within the closed loop is quite effective. Currently, the number of positive Covid-19 cases in the closed loop is relatively low and everyone needs to follow the Covid-19 playbook throughout the games.
北京冬奥会医疗小组首席专家麦克洛斯基2月2日表示 , 北京冬奥会闭环内的阳性病例相对较低 , 闭环内的防疫工作非常高效 。

IOC representative Pierre Ducrey said on Wednesday that many of the competition venues for the Beijing Winter Olympics use structures built for the 2008 Summer Olympics venues. The reuse of previous Olympic legacy is something to be proud of as it fully reflects the goal of sustainable development. Mr. Ducrey also said that many members of the staff working for the Winter Olympics also worked during the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

