ago|键盘侠|詹灭霸化身詹铁侠 旨在培养里夫斯为卡鲁索二代

键盘侠|詹灭霸化身詹铁侠 旨在培养里夫斯为卡鲁索二代
ago|键盘侠|詹灭霸化身詹铁侠 旨在培养里夫斯为卡鲁索二代

[–]Raptorsin_pizza_we_trust 4529 points 8 hours ago
Only 8 emotes and no hashtag. Was Lebron hacked?
猛龙球迷:只有8个表情 , 没有加标签 , 詹姆斯是被盗号了吗?
[–][LAL] Kobe BryantDongsquad420BlazeIt 1280 points 8 hours ago
[–]WarriorsKevon-Looneys-burner 323 points 7 hours ago
8 emojis isn’t just 8 emojis.. I’ll explain it to you later
勇士球迷:8个表情符号不只是8个表情符号……我待会跟你解释 。
[–]Thym3Travlr 54 points 6 hours ago
What is this a reference to?
ago|键盘侠|詹灭霸化身詹铁侠 旨在培养里夫斯为卡鲁索二代

[–]WarriorsScuttleduck 177 points 6 hours ago*
One time in the playoffs someone asked him about fadeaways vs layups and he said &quottwo points isn&apost two points, I&aposll explain it to you later" and then the next game he hit a ridiculous gamewinning 2pt shot vs toronto, so we&aposre all like... did he plan that?
勇士球迷:有一次季后赛 , 有人问他后仰跳投和上篮的比较 , 然后他说 , “2分不是分吗?我待会跟你解释 。 ”然后后面那场比赛 , 他面对猛龙命中了一记不可思议的绝杀2分球 。 所以我们当时心想……他这是计划好的吗?
ago|键盘侠|詹灭霸化身詹铁侠 旨在培养里夫斯为卡鲁索二代

[–]Netsourcourageourcancer 2391 points 8 hours ago
Reaves really nailed that Tom Holland frog in the mouth look there lmao
篮网球迷:里夫斯把荷兰弟嘴里藏青蛙的外貌拿捏得死死的 。 (美媒曾吐槽荷兰弟的嘴巴 , 认为他嘴巴张不开 , 好像里面藏了一只青蛙 , 而荷兰弟本人也转载了该条新闻 , 并写道:“这也太搞笑了 , 我能证明谣言是真的 。 ”)
[–]carl73833 2199 points 8 hours ago
Tagged him too
Looks like he won’t be one of LeGM’s casualties
看样子他不会成为詹经理的交易资产之一了 。
[–]Similar-Tradition-93 1080 points 8 hours ago
he’s prolly the only guy safe on that roster?D?D
球迷:他可能是阵容里唯一一个安全的家伙?D?D 。
[–]LakersDonaldtrumpet6543 709 points 8 hours ago
He&aposs basically another Caruso. Lebron aint gonna let what happened to caruso happen again lpl
湖人球迷:他就是第二个卡鲁索 , 詹姆斯不会让发生在卡鲁索身上的事再次发生了 。
ago|键盘侠|詹灭霸化身詹铁侠 旨在培养里夫斯为卡鲁索二代

[–]Lakersdiamondisunbreakable 694 points 6 hours ago
Behind every LeBron championship is a reliable white boy role player!
湖人球迷:老詹的每个总冠军背后 , 都有一个值得依赖的白人角色球员 。
[–]LakersCaptainKurls 392 points 6 hours ago
We got Mike Miller, Delly, Caruso and now reeves
湖人球迷:我们有过迈克-米勒 , 德拉维多瓦 , 卡鲁索 , 现在是里夫斯 。
[–]KnickedUp 523 points 8 hours ago
New Caruso right on track
球迷:新一代卡鲁索正在稳步发展 。
[–]whoknewbamboo 204 points 8 hours ago
Should&aposve paid old Caruso
湖人球迷:本该留下卡鲁索一代的 。
[–]Bucksstunro17 47 points 7 hours ago
Could&aposve had 2 Carusos

