CBA|键盘侠|你要说把浓眉或利拉德换成魔兽 没有吧友会喷你( 四 )

CBA|键盘侠|你要说把浓眉或利拉德换成魔兽 没有吧友会喷你

[–][PHO] Steve Nashyuhanz 141 points 14 hours ago
In which he still averaged 17/10
Horrible ft missed out on 1-2ppg
I’m so annoyed by the amount of hate he got. He deserved criticism but not by that much vitriol
太阳球迷:还是有17分/10篮板的平均数据 。 糟糕的罚球让场均得分少了1到2分 。 可他这么招人恨也是让我很不爽 。 他确实该被批评 , 可也不至于没完没了地挨喷 。
[–]ClippersAngsMcgyvr 651 points 17 hours ago
Dwight was a HOF lock when he left Orlando.
快船球迷:魔兽离开魔术时已经锁定了一个名人堂席位 。
[–]WarriorsBalls_of_Adamanthium 337 points 17 hours ago*
Prime Dwight is the most dominant big man since Shaq. There was nothing like it.
勇士球迷:巅峰魔兽是奥尼尔之后最具统治力的大个子 , 不做第二人想 。
[–]DarkMagicianBabe 315 points 16 hours ago
Where he deserves to be in the top 75 is the question. But the fact fuckin AD and Dame made it on over him is such a joke. There are others but this sub doesn&apost rake you over the coals if you only say those two.
球迷:魔兽是否该入选75大巨星就算有疑问 , 可浓眉和利拉德入选了他没入选简直就离谱 。 75大巨星里 , 魔兽挤掉其他人可能有争议 , 可要说把浓眉或利拉德换成魔兽 , 没有吧友会喷你 。
[–][MIA] Goran Dragi?luexFlash 240 points 17 hours ago
I remember the old days when he was Superman on the Magic and one of the most beloved players in the league
热火球迷:曾几何时 , 他是魔术的超人 , 球迷最爱的NBA球员之一 。

