CBA|键盘侠|你要说把浓眉或利拉德换成魔兽 没有吧友会喷你( 三 )

公牛球迷:魔术队在防守端的策略就是“把对手驱赶到魔兽面前” , 一招鲜 , 却屡试不爽 , 这就离谱 。
[–]76ersFoFoAndFo 93 points 14 hours ago*
Peak Howard >>>> Gobert. Gobert with the ability to guard the perimeter, swallowing guards who he got switched on to, neutering offenses in the regular season and the postseason where Gobert gets exposed. Also to score more with similar percentages without a good pick and roll creator in a slower, less efficient era.
If we valued defense properly Howard would’ve won an MVP over Rose, Bron Nash or Kobe and been considered at worst the second best player in the league.
76人球迷:巅峰魔兽>>>>戈贝尔 。 戈贝尔有防守外围的能力 , 甚至能换防后卫 , 不论常规赛还是季后赛 , 都能瓦解对方的进攻 。 但巅峰魔兽能够以类似的命中率得到更多分数 , 而他身边还没有一个善于挡拆的球员 , 还是在一个节奏更慢、效率更低的年代 。
如果我们足够看重防守的话 , 霍华德本该拿走罗斯、詹姆斯或科比(纳什不行)的一座MVP奖杯 , 最次 , 他当时也应该被视作联盟的第二号人物 。
[–]Cavaliersgen_wt_sherman 240 points 14 hours ago
They really ruined LeBrons first Cleveland Era. The year the magic beat them in the ECF the Cavs were built to beat the Celtics (who the magic beat in the semis). Then the next year the Cavs retool to beat the Magic and then they lose to the fucking Celtics again.
骑士球迷:那支魔术真的是毁掉了詹姆斯的第一个骑士时代 。 东部决赛输给魔术的骑士队本来是为了打败凯尔特人(东部半决赛被魔术干掉了)组建的 。 下一年 , 骑士重建 , 打败了魔术 , 但又一次倒在了可恶的凯尔特人脚下 。

CBA|键盘侠|你要说把浓眉或利拉德换成魔兽 没有吧友会喷你

[–]PistonsKing_Artis 806 points 16 hours ago
SVG probably one of my favorite talking heads. Good guy and comes off genuine for the most part.
国王球迷:大范可能是我最爱的篮球评论员 。 是个好人 , 不会满嘴跑火车 。
[–]NetsDHG23 273 points 16 hours ago
100%, I was watching a game that he was commentating for and I only just realised how charming he is when he talks, he&aposs a fountain of knowledge and is happy to poke fun at his own expense.
篮网球迷:100% , 看过一场他解说的比赛后 , 我才发现他说话时有多么魅力四射 , 简直文思如泉涌 , 而且也很乐意自嘲 。
[–]76ersWhiteNoiseSports 174 points 16 hours ago
I honestly like JVG too but I can’t stand Mark Jackson’s commentating
76人球迷:我也喜欢小范 , 但我完全受不了马克-杰克逊的解说 。
[–]BullsChiRose0ne 119 points 16 hours ago
JVG’s great when he’s not complaining about basketball. Which is sadly more often than not nowadays.
公牛球迷:小范不抱怨篮球的时候挺好的 , 可惜 , 他现在就是个祥林嫂 。
[–]Pacersmewi43 694 points 16 hours ago
3x Defensive POY 8x All-Star 5x Rebound leader 2x Blk leader 8x All NBA 5x All Defense
Still Averages a Career Double Double 11th most career rebounds 1st among active players 9th most career Offensive Rebounds, 1st among active players
Need I go on
步行者球迷:3次最佳防守球员、8次入选全明星、5次篮板王、2次盖帽王、8次最佳阵容、5次最佳防守阵容 , 生涯平均数据依然是两双 , 生涯总篮板数历史第11现役第1 , 生涯总进攻篮板数历史第9现役第1……还需要我继续吗
[–]LakersOp3rat0rr 363 points 15 hours ago
But but did you see how poorly he played on the Lakers in 2013 when he had a back injury??
湖人球迷:但是 , 但是你没看到他背部受伤后 , 2013赛季在湖人打得有多烂??

