键盘|键盘侠|这镜头把我带回了 我呆立桌旁爸妈检查我成绩的那天( 三 )

[–]phuqo5 78 points 3 hours ago
Man the city of Cleveland gonna have to buy this mans jersey for the third fuckin time? Excellent grift.
[–][MIN] Tyus JonesIslandkid679 247 points 5 hours ago
&quotAight, who&aposs going on the trading block?"
森林狼球迷:“好吧 , 要把谁交易掉呢?”
[–]Heat302born 75 points 3 hours ago
[–]DowntownTopRanking 158 points 6 hours ago
What Westbrook is doing to that paper (in his mind).

键盘|键盘侠|这镜头把我带回了 我呆立桌旁爸妈检查我成绩的那天

[–]tendy-hands 97 points 5 hours ago
Is there a point at looking at the stats during the game? Is he going to see who’s shooting better and be more likely to pass to them?
球迷:你说他会不会是想看一下这场比赛谁投得更准 , 接下来想多传球给他?
[–]Lakers9D_Chess 356 points 5 hours ago
He&aposs taking mental notes of who the fuck is getting shipped out next week
[–]LakersStoneColdAM 77 points 5 hours ago
Russ: “Did I do good LeBron?…. LeBron?”
LeGM (on the phone): “Yeah, hi, this is LeBron James… I was wondering if you were interested in a gently used Russell Westbrook….”
湖人球迷:威少:“我的数据咋样 , 老詹?……老詹?”总经理詹姆斯(打电话中):“对对对 , 我是勒布朗-詹姆斯……我就是想问一下 , 你们对拉塞尔-威斯布鲁克有没有兴趣?九成新 , 包邮……”
Found a 2011 tweet from Draymond in college saying this lol
篮网球迷:找到一条追梦2011年上大学时发的推特 , 哈哈

键盘|键盘侠|这镜头把我带回了 我呆立桌旁爸妈检查我成绩的那天

[–]ThunderTheRecovery 215 points 6 hours ago
This is 11 years ago, Jesus Christ.
雷霆球迷:这可是11年前啊 , 我了个大擦
[–]76ersallinasecond 98 points 6 hours ago
And nothing changed!
76人球迷:任它沧海桑田 , 我自龟然不动
[–][BKN] Kevin Durantsukjustin4 33 points 4 hours ago
Consistency is key - and also triple doubles
[–]Raptorsmisterpizzaguy 251 points 8 hours ago
If it smells like shit wherever you go….
猛龙球迷:如果你不管走到哪 , 都闻到一股臭味……
[–]RaptorsThaNorth 157 points 7 hours ago
They say there&aposs an asshole at every party. I haven&apost met him yet.
猛龙球迷:他们说每个派对上都会有一个搅屎棍 。 我咋从没见过 。

