键盘|键盘侠|这镜头把我带回了 我呆立桌旁爸妈检查我成绩的那天( 二 )

球迷:别TM抢我篮板 , 霍华德!你连75大球星都不是!

键盘|键盘侠|这镜头把我带回了 我呆立桌旁爸妈检查我成绩的那天

[–]RyanKeen07 1405 points 5 hours ago
I&aposm getting bad flashbacks to the kitchen table as my parents were reviewing my grades
球迷:这镜头带我回到了那一年的那一天 , 我呆立餐桌旁 , 等爸妈检查我的成绩
[–]frusciantepepper 279 points 5 hours ago
Those were the worst times of my life, My parents took me off the basketball team one year because I was a straight C student lol
球迷:那是我人生的至暗时刻 。 因为各科成绩都是C , 我爸妈让我退出篮球队一年 , 哈哈
[–]KnicksGreen__Bananas 134 points 2 hours ago
No offense but they did the right thing
尼克斯球迷:无意冒犯 , 可你爸妈做得没毛病
[–]ayending1 242 points 4 hours ago
&quotRuss, you got two C- and four D+. I gonna ask.."
&quotNext question, dad."
“小威 , 你有两科C-、四科D+ , 我想问……”
“下一个问题 , 爸爸!”

键盘|键盘侠|这镜头把我带回了 我呆立桌旁爸妈检查我成绩的那天

[–]CIark 38 points 4 hours ago
“Tell your mom I’m going to the store for cigarettes”
球迷:“给你妈说 , 老子出去买包烟”
[–]MavericksClickElectronic 1396 points 4 hours ago
Strong 2018 Cavs vibes lately
独行侠球迷:如图 , 梦回2018年的骑士

键盘|键盘侠|这镜头把我带回了 我呆立桌旁爸妈检查我成绩的那天

[–]GrizzliesNetflixAndNikah 679 points 3 hours ago
I&aposm crying this picture perfectly encapsulates that hot mess of a cavs team right before the trade lmao
灰熊球迷:笑尿了 , 这张图完美呈现了当年骑士队交易之前的糟糕局面
[–][LAL] Kareem RushRah_Rah_RU_Rah 364 points 2 hours ago
Bron really said fuck it I&aposm getting shooters and it worked. That post deadline offense was beautiful
湖人球迷:詹姆斯说要有射手 , 于是 , 就有了射手 。 别说 , 交易后骑士队的进攻还真不赖
[–]WarriorsBalls_of_Adamanthium 1018 points 5 hours ago*
That beard scratching as Russ gets up did it for me. Quality editing.
勇士球迷:威少起身、老詹挠胡子的镜头戳到我了 。 给剪辑师加鸡腿 。
[–]_BeefyTaco 328 points 3 hours ago
Lets be honest, did anyone think Russ to the Lakers would work out?
球迷:U1S1 , 难道真有人认为威少适合湖人?
[–]BagRight8939 968 points 5 hours ago
LeGM gearing up to make some decisions
球迷:总经理詹姆斯上线 , 即将做出一些决定
[–]NetsKwilly462 272 points 5 hours ago
He can decide all he wants, he&aposs not getting rid of Russ&aposs contract
篮网球迷:别吹了 , 他想要别的也许都能决定 , 可想要处理掉威少的合同?门都没有啊
[–][LAL] Kobe BryantRyanZee08 419 points 5 hours ago
I would just like to point out hes been traded twice while people have been screaming this.
湖人球迷:我想插一句 , 都说威少合同大、处理不掉 , 可他已经被交易两次了
[–]NetsKwilly462 104 points 5 hours ago
But this is the worst he&aposs ever played his entire career
[–]Lakersrawchess 129 points 4 hours ago
LeGM deciding to take his talents back to Cleveland

