适合官宣的甜蜜文案 适合官宣的甜甜的文案

适合官宣的甜蜜文案 适合官宣的甜甜的文案

不想撞南墙,只想撞入公子的胸膛 。
Don't want to hit the south wall, just want to hit the chest of the son.
你与月亮,皆是浪漫;你与太阳,皆可发光 。
You and the moon, are romantic; you and the sun, can shine.
你随春风而来,我便随你而归 。
If you come with the spring breeze, I will come with you.
零碎的岛屿终会找到海,慢慢亦漫漫 。The fragmentary islands will eventually find the sea, and slowly will be long.
桃花不必开了,我等的人已经来了 。
Peach blossoms don't have to bloom. The people I'm waiting for are already here.
以后不能随便打他了,不然就是家暴了 。
【适合官宣的甜蜜文案 适合官宣的甜甜的文案】You can't beat him casually in the future, or it will be domestic violence.
我的口红印终于印在了他的奶茶吸管上了耶 。
My lipstick is finally on his milk tea straw. Yeah
千万人中,万幸得以相逢 。
Among millions of people, we are lucky to meet each other.
大家好,这是我的辅助 。
Hello, everyone, this is my assistance.
想和你小手一牵,今年,明年,年年 。
Want to hold hands with you, this year, next year, every year.
就是这个人 打破了我孤独终老的计划 。
It was this man who broke my plan to die alone.
总有人说我恋爱,我澄清一下,这是真的 。
People always say I'm in love. let me be clear, it's true.
他公布那天我看了照片很久,越看越像我,哦,原来就是我 。
On the day he announced it, I looked at the photos for a long time, and the more I looked, the more I missed me. Oh, it was me.
你们先答题吧,我交卷了 。
You can answer the questions first. I handed in the paper.
这世界在下沉,我们在恋爱 。
The world is sinking. We're in love.

