比较级和最高级的用法归纳 fat的比较级和最高级( 四 )

38._____the girls get up_______(early) than the boys?no,they______.
39. Jim runs _____(slow). but ben runs _____(slow).
40.The child doesn’t______(write) as ____(fast) as the students.
41.He is as________(careful) as me, but mary doesn’t do her homework as______as me.
四. 用of, than, in, as填空 。
1. This table is as big _____ that one.
2. The yellow book is bigger_____the blue one.
3. Tom is the best student_____the class.
4. This lesson is more interesting _____that one.
5. This apple is the largest_____all the apples.
6.He is the most popular _____ the three.
7._____ all the students, he studues the hardest.
8.He is the most athletic _____ all.
9. He lives much farther ______me.
10.Please do ______ carefully as me.
五. 单选 。
( )1. John is my_____friend of all the classmates.
a. good b. better c. best d. the best
( )2. E-mailing is much _____than long-distance calling.
a. cheap b. cheaper c. cheapest d. the cheapest
( )3. Beijing is one of_____cities in china.
a. very beautiful b. much beautiful c. more beautiful d. the most beautiful
( )4. the yellow river isn’t so_____as the changjiang river.
a. long b. longest c. longer d. the longest
( )5. The coat i bought last week is too big for me. i’d like to change it for a_____ one.
a. small b. larger c. nicer d. smaller
( )6. Who is the _____ , jim, li lei or ling feng?
a. tall b. taller c. tallest d. much taller
( )7. Of all the students, wu dong runs_____.
a. fast b. faster c. fastest d. most fast
( )8. He has grown_____ to take care of himself.
a. tall enough b. enough tall c. old enough d. enough old
( )9. Tom draws_____better than his brother.
a. more b. most c. many d. much
( )10. Who does homework_____in your class?
a. carefully b. most carefully c. more carefully d. as carefully as
1、谁比Jim年纪大?是你 。
________ is _________than jim? _______ are
2、谁比david更强壮?是Gao Shan.
_______ ________ than david? Gao Shan ________.
3、谁的铅笔更长,他的还是她的?我想是她的 。
_______pencil is _________, ______or________?
________is,l think.
4、谁的苹果更重,你的姐姐的还是你的弟弟的? 我的弟弟的 。
_________ apples ________ ________,your _______ or your _______?
my ____________ ___________.
5、你和你的叔叔一样高吗?是的 。
_________ ________as _________as your uncle?yes,l am.
6、他和他的朋友Jim一样年轻 。
he _______ as __________ as ________ ________ jim.
7、她和她的双胞胎哥哥一样胖吗?不,她比他瘦 。
________ ________ as _________ as______ twin _______?
no, _________ _________ than him.
8.Yang ling每天睡得比Suyang晚 。
Yang ling ________ to _______ ________ than Su yang every day.
9.我跳得和Mike一样远 。
i _________ as _______ as Mike.
10.tom比你跑得快吗?不是的,他和我跑得一样快 。
____ tom _____ _____ than you?
No,he _______. he_____ as_____ as_____.
11.多做运动,你会更强壮 。
________ more exercise,you’ll ________ _________ soon.
12.我的科学很好,但是语文不好 。
l______ ________ at science.but l don’t _________ well in chinese.
13. 你放风筝比王兵放得高吗?不,我比他放得低 。
____you_______the kite_____than wang bing?no,l______it _____than___.
14.我喜欢游泳 。我所有的朋友都游得比我慢 。
l like_______.all my______ _______ _______than me.
15.我的姐姐起得比我早 。
my_____ _____ up _____than me.
16.女孩比男孩唱得好吗?是的 。
____the girls______ ______ ______the boys? yes,they ____.
17.她不擅长体育 。但我跳得没有她高 。

