最近原理和远原理有什么区别? 就近原则( 二 )

②Neither she nor I was there .(就近一致)(译文同上句)(正式)
但是,如果依“就近一致原则”而与其他两项原则相矛盾时,则常常认为是不太合符规范的 。e.g.
No one except his own supporters agree with him .仅他自己的支持者同意他的意见 。(依“就近”和“意义”一致的原则;但语法上,“No one ”才是主语,谓语要改成“agrees” 。“写作中”一般要依“语法一致”原则 。英语中就近原则有therebe句型中的be用单数还是复数要看后面的名词是单数还是复数
1.There be 句型 There is a book and some pencils on the desk.
=There are some pencils and a book on the desk.
2.neither...nor... Neither you nor he is right. = Neither he nor you are right.
3.either...or... Either they or Jim is going to Shanghai next Saturday.
= Either Jim or they are going to shanghai next Saturday.
4.not only...but also... Not only Ann but also her parents stay at home every Sunday.
= Not only Ann's parents but also she stays at home every Sunday.常见的有
there be 结构,
here be,
not only ... but also ... ,
either ... or ... ;
neither ... nor

最近原理和远原理有什么区别? 就近原则

你好 。英语中只有“就近原则” 。
1 Either you or I am to go. ---------所谓“就近原则”,指的是谓语动词与离它最近的主语的关系 。这里离be动词最近的是 I, 所以谓语动词是 am.
2 Are either you or I to go ? ------- 这里的谓语动词be最靠近的是you这个主语,所以用are,不用 am.
是否可以解决您的问题?就远原则:谓语动词与前面主语一致代表词汇:as well as;(together/along)with;rather than;except;besides;but;including;in addition to;aprat frome.g:he rather than i is right.nobody but two students is in the classroom.

