英文美句摘抄 英文美句经典摘抄( 二 )

Girl, you are single; one day you will look back, and even though you are beyond happily married, you will remember the boozy brunches, marathon shopping sessions, random road trips, and late nights spent on the phone with your best friend talking about nothing.
姑娘,现在你还单着,虽然你还没有找到幸福的婚姻生活,不过当某天你回头看时,你会怀念那些微醺的早中餐、马拉松式的购物行动、随心闲逛的公路旅行,还有那些和闺蜜闲聊至深夜然而并没有什么信息量的夜晚 。
Now, your husband comes first. You think of his needs, his wants, his TV shows (mostly yours still), the foods he wants to eat, and what you two will do together every weekend. Its wonderful and magical and you wouldnt trade it for the world. But dont be in such a hurry to let go of your single self too soon.
现在,你的丈夫才是第一位的 。你要顾虑他的感受、他的需求、他想要吃的食物、你们每个周末要去做些什么活动 。这种生活美好而富有魅力,即便给你一个宇宙你也不愿意舍弃它 。可是,请不要着急着太过早地放弃你单身时的自我 。
i have in my hands two boxes which god gave me to hold. he said, ”put all your sarrows in the black box,and all your joys in the gold.” i heeded his words, and in the two boxes both my joys and sarrows i stored.
我手上拿着上帝给的两个盒子 。他说:“把你所有的悲伤放进黑色的盒子,所有的快乐放进金色的盒子 。”我按照他的话做了,在两个盒子里存放了我的快乐和悲伤 。

