费城|键盘侠|本西复出首球三分迎射大帝 费城神秘行业热烈欢迎登哥( 二 )

费城|键盘侠|本西复出首球三分迎射大帝 费城神秘行业热烈欢迎登哥

[–]OverusedRedditJoke 9271 points 7 hours ago
Thus finally ends perhaps the most obnoxious and unnecessarily dragged-out saga in NBA history
球迷:交易截止日终于结束了 , 或许这是NBA历史上最令人讨厌和最没必要等这么久的一天了 。
[–]WarriorsBalls_of_Adamanthium 6389 points 7 hours ago
Kyrie’s streak of fucking up teams’ championship hopes remain intact.
勇士球迷:欧文连续破坏球队总冠军希望的纪录依然没有改变 。
[–]LakersApollo611 815 points 6 hours ago
Turns out not taking the vaccine effects the people around you
湖人球迷:事实证明 , 不打疫苗还是会影响自己和身边的人 。
费城|键盘侠|本西复出首球三分迎射大帝 费城神秘行业热烈欢迎登哥

[–]NetsCleopatraHadAnAnus 876 points 7 hours ago
That flat earther fuck really did a number on us
篮网球迷:这个地平说的狗R的真的摆了我们好几道 。
[–]CelticsADartfordPark 494 points 7 hours ago
And you really thought you could change that pseudo intellectual prick
凯尔特人球迷:你们居然真的觉得可以改变那个伪知识分子 。
[–]NetsCleopatraHadAnAnus 356 points 7 hours ago
Honestly, I’m so sorry to Boston fans for any element of doubt I ever had as far as all that goes.
Should have known better. Did not know better.
篮网球迷:老实讲 , 我要对绿军球迷道歉 , 不该一直质疑你们 ,
早就该知道的 , 怪自己过去没好好了解 。
费城|键盘侠|本西复出首球三分迎射大帝 费城神秘行业热烈欢迎登哥

[–]RaptorsAndySmalls 8160 points 7 hours ago
And just like that... Ben Simmons was miraculously cured.
猛龙球迷:弹指一挥间 , 本西被奇迹般地治好了 。
[–][LAL] Nick YoungTheChipiboy 2208 points 7 hours ago
Acting like the grandpa in spy kids 3
湖人球迷:就像是非常小特务3里面的爷爷 。
[–]HeatBylvieBalvez 1532 points 7 hours ago
Or Grandpa Joe from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
热火球迷:亦或是查理和巧克力工厂里的乔爷爷 。
[–]IHopeThisWorksForMe 5176 points 7 hours ago
&quotKD passes it to Simmons who is unguarded in the key... aaaaand he passes it back to KD..."
球迷:“KD将球传给了内线无人防守的本西……然然然后 , 他又传回给了KD……”
[–]KnicksTigerBasket 2242 points 7 hours ago
KD with tears rolling down his face, he knows he can&apost win with these cats.
尼克斯球迷:KD热泪盈眶 , 他知道他和这些阿猫阿狗一起无法赢下总冠军
费城|键盘侠|本西复出首球三分迎射大帝 费城神秘行业热烈欢迎登哥

[–]packersSB55champs 1047 points 7 hours ago
Hardest Road 2: even harder road
球迷:最艰难的路2之难上加难 。
[–]WarriorsGloomy_Slide 446 points 6 hours ago
Man left Steph Curry for this lmao
勇士球迷:KD离开库里就为这 。
[–]WarriorsRealDannyMM 102 points 6 hours ago
He would have a hand full of rings if he stayed in GSW his whole career
勇士球迷:如果他整个生涯都留在勇士的话 , 他的一只手会戴满总冠军戒指 。
[–][DET] Bol Bolyodeadasss 5009 points 7 hours ago
活塞球迷:我的天 , 里弗斯居然把女婿送走了 。
[–]LakersZammy512 3440 points 7 hours ago
Doc has now traded his own son and his son in law. He said fuck them kids

