going|键盘侠|小波特竟是库里真粉?库里是真的很恨火箭( 二 )

SCalifornia831 2 hour ago
Steph has been in a shooting slump, despite that he’s played really well and has continued to contributing to winning.
You sound like someone who’s not only salty but has never played sports before.
勇士球迷:库里最近的投篮状态不好 , 但除此之外他打得真的很好并且一直在对球队的胜利做贡献 , 你的这些话听上去不仅像是酸 , 还像是你从来都没有参与过体育运动 。
DookyRL 2 hour ago
Has anyone on the Raptors even had a 40 point game this whole season?
Vallerie_09 2 hour ago
Their players avg about 40...minutes per game

xepa105 2 hour ago
Talk shit, get hit.
公牛球迷:喷垃圾话 , 然后就被教育了 。
TheRed_Knight 1 hr. ago
kid learned a valuable lesson, dont shit talk HOF&aposs
勇士球迷:这孩字得到了宝贵的教训 , 不要对名人堂球员口吐芬芳 。
PusseySleigher 1 hour ago
warriors need to hire someone from the opposing team every game to piss off steph
中立球迷:勇士队需要从对手的球队里雇些人 , 让他们每场比赛都去激怒库里 。

VampireBatman 1 hour ago
I always joke with my friends that the Warriors have some intern just talking shit on Twitter about Steph during games to rile him up at halftime.
勇士球迷:我总是和我朋友开玩笑着说 , 勇士队内有一些在比赛期间发推特喷库里的实习生 , 来在中场休息时激怒库里 。
Wloak 58 minute ago
Maybe people aren&apost being mean enough to him in Twitter
中立球迷:可能人们在推特上对库里还不够刻薄 。
NormalAccounts 1 hour ago
Conspiracy theory: Steph was intentionally slumping to help develop the rest of the team&aposs offensive chemistry
勇士球迷:阴谋论:库里为了帮助队里其他球员增强进攻端的化学反应故意让状态下滑 。
IsThisMe8 50 minute ago
Better conspiracy: he was intentionally slumping to trick everyone and then breaks out during the playoffs, but his hatred over the rockets overcame everything so he went back to scoring.
勇士球迷:更好的阴谋论版本:库里本想故意让状态下滑来欺骗其他人 , 然后在季后赛爆发 , 但他对火箭的仇恨压到了一切 , 所以他重新开始得分了 。
Tormundo 3 minute ago
Most selfless player in sports history. Gave up a 3rd mvp to help develop his young guys
勇士球迷:那库里真是体育史上最无私的球员 , 放弃拿第三个MVP的机会来帮助年轻球员发展 。
Claudiu99 1 hour ago
Game winning buzzer-beater last game, career high 21 points in the 4th quarter this game
Yep, Steph still hates the Rockets lol
库里球迷:上一场对火箭队命中压哨绝杀 , 这一场第四节单节砍下21分并创下单节得分纪录 , 没错 , 库里仍然恨着火箭队 。

GswWisemanMVP 2 hour ago
For real he hates this franchise so much
勇士球迷:说真的 , 库里太恨火箭队了 。
WakingRage 1 hour ago
It is known. He lives to destroy the Rockets, Trailblazers, Knicks and Magic.

