ago|勇士球迷难受想哭 今夜我们都是湖人( 三 )

勇士球迷:毫无疑问这是库里今年第一场表现还不错的比赛 , 可勇士其他人决定穷人力之所及葬送比赛
[–]Sunssenor_zanjeer 32 points 2 hours ago
Dude missed every shot in the clutch. Good game is a stretch
太阳球迷:关键时刻颗粒无收 , 表现不错从何说起
[–]ClippersJakrabbitslim 35 points 2 hours ago
0-4 in overtime and fell asleep on defense on the game tying 3 that sent them to overtime, but other than that…
快船球迷:防守打盹 , 让对手打入追平3分 , 把比赛拖进加时 , 加时赛4投0中 。 嗯 , 除此之外……
[–]Warriorsfopiecechicken 27 points 2 hours ago
He&aposs the only reason this game went to overtime, we were that bad besides Steph.
Only other Warrior who should feel anyway good about themselves is Looney.
勇士球迷:没有库里的表现 , 我们早就输了 , 哪还用加时 。 除了库里 , 其他人一塌糊涂 , 唯一一个不用那么自责的就是卢尼 。
[–]Warriorsburritoboy_ 87 points 3 hours ago
Son of Gary too
ago|勇士球迷难受想哭 今夜我们都是湖人

[–]The Splash BrothersNyhrox 112 points 3 hours ago
Lock everyone in the gym for 10 hours
勇士球迷:把所有人都关在体育馆里 , 10个小时
[–]RaptorsProfessorBeast55 41 points 3 hours ago
9/42 from deep and 21 TOs, that&aposs game right there
猛龙球迷:三分42中9 , 21个失误 , 不输球还有天理吗
Mill Yoshi
Let&aposs go San Jose Giants!!! They just can&apost shoot, pass, make switch on D, and the confidence level is below zero. It&aposs OK!!
推特网友:加油 , 旧金山巨人队!!!他们只是投不进、传不好、换防不及时、丧失了全部信心而已 , 有什么关系!加油
ago|勇士球迷难受想哭 今夜我们都是湖人

[–][PHO] Joe Johnsondestructive_optimism 42 points 2 hours ago
This game needs to be the final nail in the coffin of the Wiggins allstar campaign

