公牛|键盘侠|公牛惨败应该怪雄鹿?库明加肯定偷学了字母哥( 二 )

[–]Gatorguy35 595 points 3 hours ago
The last 5 years have conditioned me to kinda go numb to these ass beatings. It’s nostalgic in a way. Like coming home to a toxic relationship
球迷:过去五年已经让我对这些打花的比赛麻木不仁了 。 这种感觉太熟悉了 , 就像回家时就要面对一段无益的恋爱关系 。
[–]WarriorsMaMainManMelo 165 points 3 hours ago
LMAO right your life my guy
勇士球迷:别这样 , 伙计 , 积极面对人生啊 。
[–]Bullsezodochi 63 points 3 hours ago*
Ya&aposll always do this to us lmao IDK what it is with the warriors but ya&aposll always somehow go off on us.
like the game Klay set the most 3s in a single game record? against the Bulls. ya&aposll BEEN whooping our ass lmao
公牛球迷:你们总是在我们身上干这样的事情 , 我不知道为什么勇士总是打公牛就来劲 。
就像克莱在这创造了单场最多三分纪录 。 你们自古以来就在打爆我们 。


[–]BullsDrippin7 71 points 3 hours ago
The United center showed a 2 minute clip of Warriors fans being asked what the Golden State was and who their head coach was and none of them could answer correctly.
公牛球迷:联合中心放了一段2分钟的勇士球迷采访视频 , 当被问到勇士的主教练是谁时 , 没人能说出正确的答案 。
[–]WarriorsPracticalPresence422 104 points 2 hours ago
I was there at the game and got stopped for one of those questions. I got the Steve Kerr one, answered right and then they dipped right after lmfao
As bad as this franchise had been at times videos like that are humbling.
勇士球迷:我当时就在现场 , 也被问了这个问题 。 我说出来是科尔了 , 接着他们立刻把这段掐了 , 笑死了 。
尽管这支球队有时表现得有些糟糕 , 但这样的视频还是会让人觉得丢脸 。
[–][CHI] Cameron PayneSim888 414 points 3 hours ago
yeah, I probably shoulda left at 8:28 in the first too
?E Zach’s in the clear!
比心 , 拉文问题不大 。
[–][CHI] Derrick Rosejeric13xd 315 points 4 hours ago
Very depressing last two games
公牛球迷:这场比赛需要花几年时间消化 , 过去两场真的扎心了 。
[–]WarriorsMostlyBullshitStory 100 points 3 hours ago
Welcome to our yesterday and the day before that. We all have bad nights where nothing goes. I don’t think either team has to worry.
勇士球迷:欢迎你体验我们昨天和前天的心情 , 我们都会遇到怎么也投不进的夜晚 , 我觉得我们两支球队都不必担心 。


[–]WarriorsPhilosuphi 172 points 4 hours ago
I think warriors fans generally like the bulls and we felt kinda bad. Wish we&aposd blown the nets or Lakers like this instead
勇士球迷:我想大部分勇士球队都挺喜欢公牛的 , 我们也感觉到很难受 。 真希望我们能像这样打花篮网或者湖人 。
[–][GSW] Stephen CurryClaudiu99 753 points 4 hours ago
From Larriors to dynasty Warriors in 24 hours, wtf just happened
Shoutout Jonathan Kuminga with 25 highest game scorer, and hope Lavine is ok
勇士球迷:24小时的时间我们从鱼腩队变成了勇士王朝 , 究竟发生了什么 。
感谢库明加砍下全场最高的25分 , 希望拉文没事 。
[–]WarriorsCtG526 203 points 4 hours ago

