Post|詹姆斯在MVP榜上应超过库里 湖人没有老詹 西部倒数前三?( 三 )


[–]Hornetshaha-brad 328 points 4 hours ago
Felt like Lebron was everywhere defensively this game.
黄蜂球迷:感觉詹姆斯在防守端无处不在 。
[–][CLE] LeBron JamesKingVibrant 133 points 4 hours ago
Can we start promoting this narrative more? He’s been fantastic on defense all year.
骑士球迷:可算有人提这个了 , 他一整年的防守都很棒 。
[–]Kinetik09 63 points 4 hours ago
Lebron is a victim to his own success. If he’s not playing DPOY defense, then folks don’t give him his credit. He sometimes gives up on the play to preserve his body, can’t lie about that, but somehow he’s always making plays and being a defensive playmaker when it counts. Dude is just playing the game differently from everyone else it’s kinda insane when you think about it.
球迷:老詹其实是自身成功的受害者 。 如果他不打出DPOY级别的防守 , 球迷们是不会认可他的防守的 。 他确实有时会为了保护自己的身体放弃某些防守回合 , 这没必要说谎 , 但他总会在关键比赛、回合中祭出他强大的防守 , 或是决策球队的防守 。 他的比赛就是独树一帜的 。 当你想到这一点会发现他真很厉害啊!

Post|詹姆斯在MVP榜上应超过库里 湖人没有老詹 西部倒数前三?

